West Point News from West Point, Nebraska (2024)

-b A 'W'tibiibtiwi 's M- K-s44WHt- s5 8 WEST POINT, NEB, REPUBLICAN, MAR 8, 1962 Want Ads Trade Opens Steady to Higher This Week at Weatherman Continues To Produce Snowfall Here A SP08TS QfllCKU of Washington! -Jean Meyer celebrated her birthday with nine candles on her calie last- Wednesday, febr 28. Charlotte! Web by White 'being read at story time. POO LATE TO CLASSIFY Read the WANT. ADS on pago 7. Omaha on Storm-Cut Supply; Hogs Higher Junior High Cagers Top Snyder Quinfel Tingelhoff Scores 27 Points in Easy Verdict FRANCHISE DEALER WANTED for West Point and surrounding territory.

Completely new home appliance. Full assist- ance, low Initial capital investment Write Box 38, West Point, 16-1. Seeing an Injured rabbit aloag the trail, a beater was dboat to da away with bia whea kk compaaioa stopped him. The irrond maa put a. bottle aader the rabbits adee and aeon the animal bounded into the woods.

Remarkable, said the first hunter. What is it? Heir restorer," said the friend, modestly. Livestock trade opened steady to higher this week at Omaha on storm-cut supply. Numerous roads' to the north, nocthesst end northwest of Omaha were snow-blocked Monday. Fat cattle sold steady to 25 cents higher, instances up more, the advance pretty much limited -to choice.

Better steers end yearlings sold at 126.25 to $27. Steers to 130 pounds listed at $26.25. Butcher hoga generally advanced 25 to 50 cents, bracketing 190 to 300 pounders at $16 to $18.25 recent sales at for shippers from this ares: Frits Ernesti, J1 hogs, wt 234, Howard Doernemann, 34 hogs, wt 1244, $26; Melvin Din-slage, 25 heifers, wt 986, $25.75. Burnis Brshmer of Wisner was a recent shipper at the' Sioux City markets. He consigned 22 steers weighing 1175 and was paid a pries of $25.75.

Representative sales at the Geo A Hormel- company were Wilbur Doernemann of West Point, 27 hogs, wt 206, Prins and Weiler of West Point, 84 hogs, wt 221, Fuhrman of West Point, 14 wt 213, Herman Ellinghausen of West Point, 11 hoga, wt 207, John Rolf of West Point, 7 hogs, wt Don Kreikemeier of West 10 hopTit West Point' Junior High? grades 7, 8, end 9, rolled to an easy 46-24 win over Snyder, in the first round of the Scribner invitational tournament on Marctey night. The' young Painters jumped to an ear)y 10-8 first quarter lead aa Tom Tingdhoff ecored all West Point basket. Wade W. Hyquiil 0. D.

Grads One It may not be spring outsida but the first grads room baa taken on the "spring look" with tulips, wind-mills and kites on our bulletin boards and curtains. Ws made some shamrock men from milk cartons, while ws waited for our parents the night of the gradesta and they an now setting on our piano. A number game on one bulletin board proved to be much fun and attracted much attention. In- science we talked about the wind. We mad pictures of the wind does for us, both good and baL- We learned a song about the Windmill and also a finger game.

Old Man printer continued to put his bit on tha West Point area this week as ha distributed more snowfall. It is estimated that between 25 and 89 inches are now laying on the ground in' West Point. On Sunday about four to firs inches wes recorded and heavy winds from SO to 40 miles per hour blocked practically all tha country roads and numerous high ways in this area. snow removal crews' were back on duty Monday clearing the roads and most traffic was resumed by that evening! Then -Wednesday night and this Thursday morning, the weather-mahdumped another seven inches of snow in West" Point This snowfall was accompanied by mild temperatures. And so; back to the drudgery of cooping and clearing path and keeping a scornful' eya on the Weatherman who "is predicting more snow for thie Dodge Baseball League Adopts 18 Tilt Schedule OPTOMETRIST Dial DR 2-3266 Wait Petal Organisational meeting of the Dodge cot'-nty 'baseball league was held Thursday night at the city auditorium in Wwt Point with Paul Smesll of Podge presiding.

The leegjo director adopted an 18 game echedule with four games being, elated for Thursday night. 225, George. HaVekost, 20 $17.21. Well Drilling THE FRESHMAN forward kept Ida tooting eg sharp a ha addl nine more point during the second quarter, phis five from Green, to give to a healthy 27-10 fcalftim lead; Second half activity found Snyder behinJ by CO points, shortly after-to half knd never threaten-tng thereafter. Poiodn, Green, Tingelhoif and sparkled for.

the West Pointere dkiring the last, two periods and all 13 player saw Iota of action. Grade. Six Tubulsr and Case Wtlls; Pressure- System WtadmOla; Plumbing A Heating Co Club Reorganised The Go-Getters 4-H club met at the home of their leader, Harry Lortnzen on Febr 26 to reorganize. Larry Long, last years president, opened 1 the meeting. Election pt officers was held.

Harry Lorenzcr Contact Adrian. Dirkschneider Owner Ph. OW 8-2786, Dodge. Nebr. or PW 8-4181 jr was elected president; Kenny Engelmeyer, vice president: Ken Glaubius, secretary; -Jean treasurer Larry Long, historian; and Susan Preuss, news reporter.

The club acquired- -two new members, Susan' and Diane Preuss. Projects were diKUised and selected for the coming year. The 4-H indoor -picnie to be held en Wednesday evening was disepsaed. A film on a AH Trip to Washington was enjoyed by the members. The next meeting, will be held Monday, Mar 19- Susan Preuss, reporter.

Qi wo had a spelling test of 50 spelling demqns. Craig Collins scored 100 per cent, -Chuck Rosa, Grave, Marsha Hess, Lynett Miaerez, Maxine Perry, Jane Scherer, Laurie Siebrandt Gere Smith each scored 98 per cent arithmetic we are' studying shapes of things? including the square, rectangle, triangle' circle and oval. In art class we made designs using these figure shapes. The film Abraham Lincoln" came late, but we enjoyed seeing the life of.thia famous American. TINGELHOFF AND Green were outstanding on conboUiiig the rebounds and also paced West 'Point with 27 and 7 respectively.

The win qualified West Point to meet a good Leigh team in Tuesday, night's wiU conclude Aug 19. Teams present at' the meeting were Fremont, Wart Point, Hooper, Dodge, Snyder, Hoirelis, North Scribner and Dehhng. Wiener was The Thursday games ore slated on, an every other week bams-in order to put aa little strain as possible on teams with only one chucker. 1 President Smeall-told the -S rector that he intends to enforce the rules of the. league and asked their cooperation in tho matter.

Next meeting of the league will be held at tho town ball in Dodge on Thursday night, Apr 12. 154 Patients -Admitted Ilospital During -Febr There were 154 admissions- at West Point Memorial hospital here during February. -Twenty-seven babies were born, 13 boys and 14 girls. The higheat daily ceqsus was Febr 8 with 67 patients and seven, babies. lowest was Febr 18 and 23 with 54 patients and six babies.

ojn (H WRITINGI WE PUT One Minute Sports Quiz Rasmus 2- in spite of the deep snow outside. Drills in long division- by two numbers are being continued. Pupils have learned to use the trial divisor which makes the problems easier to work. A unit in letter writing is being carried out. Letters of thanks, acceptance, regret and business will be written with careful eonmdenthn for the guide of writing them.

Pupil will also write to grade pupils Jn each of the 50 states, including of course, Hawaii and Alaska. Elkhorn Valley Club On Febr 27 the Elkhorn Valley Livestock AH club members held their reorganization meeting in the courthouse at 8 pm. The main business was the election of new officers who are: Tom Reimers, president; Bob Wiech-man, vice president; Leslie Smith, treasurer; Dena Ellis, secretary; Margaret Deppe, news reporter; Grade Five Miss Lynn BeckeAhauer, student nurse, Clarkson hospital, Omaha, visited the fifth grade room on Fdbr 27. The pupils asked her many questions about nursing. Sey; eral of the fifth grade girls want to be nurses.

Tulips are blooming on our bulletin board. They are tha result of. the art project carried out Mar Richard Haase and Charlene Brockmann, historian. Leader is Ed Stratmsn and assistants are LeRoy Wiechman. and Perry Reimers: 4- The club has 30 members and the projects are beef, sheep, dairy and awine.

Next meeting will he Mar 20 at 8 pm in the courthouse. Margaret Deppe, reporter. Back In Fold l.Tbe Weet, Pylnt baseball, team hae again sensed, the service of Fireman Joe Koncl for this season. Kuncl informed Manager.Den Ritz-dorf that al the ugh he had been approached by other teams, ha would be back in uniform for the Bombers this year. HUGO 1.

When wiU Floyd Patterson fight fcgain? 3. What country has walked off with ski honors in th Alps this winter? 8, In what sport is Rod Laver famous? A Where is the world ice hockey tournament being held this year? 5. What ii the 'westernmost team in the pro American Basketball league? (Answera In Column Z) PLUMBING nEATING Dial Dr 2-2165, West Point zr Baseball Association Sets Mar 15 Meeting H. W. R.

BAUMANN MeeJ Your Friends at MAIN STREET BOWLING ALLEYS Guests At Meeting Eighteen members of St Paul's Lutheran LaymqpV league were guests Tuesday evening of the Zion Lutheran LLL 'of Bancroft. Rev Nickel presented the topic and a talk1 and film were presented by William Heinsch of the Soil Conservation service. The Zion mens choir presented several selections. DartbaU and volley ball were played for entertainment. "The Big Store On The Cornet Complete Shopping Under One Roof Bowling is more enjoyable with our AMF automatic pinspotters.

Bowl for fun Bowl for health. Enjoy this fine, competitive sport Open. Bowling Every Afternoon and Saturday and Sunday nights. DIAL jtJK 2-9990 WEST POINT Lutheran, high series, Kenneth Beckenhaucr 604 Management of the West Point Baseball association baa called a meeting of jjaycra and other interested person for Thursday night. Mar 15, at the fine station.

Secretary Ww A Toelle said that primary purposg of the meeting ia to (tierce Ihe annual fis fry. This event is staged yearly to raise money for operating expenses during' the season. Toelle painted out that the West Point stub must submit its flaying meter to the league officials at the Apr 12 meeting and therefore will have to knar just who is interested in playing this season Apparel for the Entire FamOy LADIES EVENING 30 14 Bernards fa Famous SCHLITZ FOR 6, VFW 2. Team series. Brown Bud-weiser 2660; Tram game.

Brown 019. Falstaff 893; Ind game, Al Bernard 232 and 208. Fired Products 27 V4 16Vfc Melody Grove 26 Vi 17V4 Bubs Variety 26 18 at Your Favorite Dealer FALSTAFF and MILLER HIGII LIFE Oakland -Distributing Co. Lutheran, 2nd high series. v- 'll Jahnk Paint A Appi -26 Hill Uatcherv 25 Burgers Service 25 Pattersons 23 BROTHERHOOD Willi.

Miller 555 SPORTS QUIZ ANSWERS 1.. In June. 2. Austria. 3.

A. Colorado Springs, Mar 7-18. 5. Hawaii. Sale.

Ladies Evening, high series, Haratick 598 NEBRASKA Move Up to Quality. Krebs Buchholz Muller Peterson fa*geU Service 18 19 19 21 21 22 23 26 27 27 31 82 61 85 68 38 66 40 50 46 43 53 40 56 38 58 Stains Ambl Service REA 23 22 21 18 17 i7 13 12 Grain States Engelbart Grnnke Hasebroock IGA Lufees School Jottings- ffattmon 1r Fst Efficient i tytyk Servicer-Dial DR 2-2102 iS Classic, I erica, A Bernard Lofgren 589 Mever 38 68 Buchhols 8, Muller Grunke 6, Meyer Krebs 4, Peterson Pagela 4, Engelbart 4. Team series. Buchholz 2438, Pagels 2361; Team game, Buchholz 849, PageJj 833; Ind game. Heir Krebs 212, below 148.

Warner 189. Cleaners Jahnkes 4. Service Hill "3. Melody Grove 1: Burgers 8, Patterson FeedProd 3, Stalps 1 Bernards 3, Sales 1 Bubs 3. Grain States Cleaners 3T LureeiTl REA 2, IGA 2.

Miscellaneous prize won by Kindsehuh 107 Ant over average. Team serieq, Hill. 2366, Burgers 2262; Tram game. Burgers 813. Hill 709: Ind game, Ilarstick 207 and 199.

Comf ort the Key Since bowling la an active iport, clothing shirt, troo-aera, underwear should be looae and For example, although Quality fLhelcd ICE CREAf.1 West Point Cleaners Launderers West Point Public Grade Twe -For art and language we. are making a book of helpers. We have made picture of the helper! and are writing a story about each. We have included ourselves, showing and telling how wa can help at home and at school. In a test of 40 spelling words, eight pupils had perfect' papers and six missed only one word.

Fire words were the most missed by an individual. LADIES AFTERNOON bowling centers rent shoes, personal jour feet deserve Bowlerettes 26 V4 9tt Randels 21 16 Pin. Spinners 21 15 ones that give good support, yet are flexible. It would olr low that It is better to own LUTHERAN Youre Monty Ahead When Theyre Larro-FetT Phiilippes Wimmer Lubkers 20Vi 15Vi 18 18 16 20 13 23 8 28 West Point I Zion Bancroft 30 14 26 19 24 Vk 19V4 23 Vi 20 Vi Engelhsrdts Ysrgers North End Caf West Point III A Product of General Mills HILL IIATCIIERY your own. important, wear a ahlrt that la made for plenty of arm motion.

A bowling ahlrt la loose fitting; comfortable, but the pleated back wont restrict you. To bowl your best you 'must he comfortable. Ladies Evening, 2nd series, Kindsehuh. 8 Utemark 494 Dal Benue 560 Dial Dr 2-3427 Gride" Three Hal Wagner, Jean Meyer, Becky Troyer and Mary burner each cored 100 in Thursdays dictation. In-geography we have moved into a logging camp in the state St Johns Beemer 22 Vi 21 Vi Immanuel a 22 22 Malxahn TV A AppI 22 22 St" Peters Scribner 20 Vi 23Vi Zion Keglers 15.

29 Zion Scrubs 15 29 Bowlerettes 4. Randeit Pin Spinners 3 Ysrgers Lubkers 8, Wimnlers 1 Engelhsrdts 2, Phil-lippes 2. Turn series, Bowlerettes 2407, Pin Snlnners 2247; Team Bowlerettes 839, Pin Spinners 819; Ind game; Ludwig 207; I Resends! 200. See ELLIS TRANSFER For Prompt Service Melody Grove Farms The Famous Browa Swiss 3 pw DO I HAVE TROUBLE MAKHQ UP MY MND WELL- Scrubs 8. Zion VW III 3, Immanuel North End Beemer Malzahn 8, Scribner F.I 3.

Bancroft 1. Team series. North End 2556, Malxahn 2503; Team came, Malzahn 909, North End. I 883: Ind game, Beckenbauer 228, Art Ludwig, Schafer 224. 1 HANDICAP II Rendering 54 26- Wimmer 48 82 Farm Supply 48 32 Handicap II, 2nd high aeries, French 536 JHaadicap high series, Petenoa 636 DR.

A. W. ANDERSON Ship Safely Dial DR 2-2308 Ed Baumann J-i- 45 35 Ns41 Oil-Co 40- 40 Mendliks 3T 43 Air Base 28 52 "Seeman 20 BQ KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Bills Standard 3 7 Vi lOVi -Ortmeiers 27 21 Kleins Auto Repair Schmitts Moqterey 27 .21 25 Vi 22 Vi 25 23 20 28 19 29--11 87 CARMODY BAKERY Ilouie, of Good Foods Point Feed Products Co. Feed Dehydrated Alfalfa Products iot. More Beef, Mora HQk, Mora.

Money Farm Supply 8. Seeman Ed Baumann 8. Air Base Mendliks 6, Neel Rendering 4. Teem series, W- Rendering 2468, Wimmer 2439; Team game. Wimmer 864.

Farm 'Supply 853; Ind came. Dal Bennc 244, French 209. Prins A. Weiler Citr Tavern Berts 8 Handicap 2ad high series, Hoegemeyer 624 Ladies Afteraoa, series, Cyrier 528, 1 Rozeadal 520 Rolls, Cakes, Bread, Ice Cream West Point Dial Dr 2-2448 City 4, Monterey Ortmeiers 3,. Kleins Standard 2, Schmitts Berts'2, Prins A Weiler 2.

Team series. Ortmeiers 2475. City Tavern 2383; Tram game. Ortmeiers 860, Standard 842; Ind. game Knievel-204, Schin-' stock 200.

Handicap i Patterson 60 20 Short ys Bar 48 32 Vet Club 46 34 Meadow Gold i 46 34 Storz 42 38 Cordes 34 46 VETERANS CLUB For Your Enjoyment -Before and After Bowling hi CLASSIC Phillips 66 Fenskt l-r 8 60 14 66 Falstpff Brown WALLACE ROSE Representing Northwestern Mutual Ins. Co. In West Point, Nebr. DRake Budwejser VFW 24 48 58 22 66 BrotheriMed, aeries, Rev Krebe 571, Flores 517 Lumber Short vs 8. Meadow Gold Patterson 6, Phillips Vets 6, Cordes.

2. Store 6. Fcnake 2. Tram series, Shortys 2613, Vets 2580; Team game. Shortys 933.

Mradoyr Gold 902; Ind ram. Peterson 233, co*kdes 23L of aeries, Remoa 3-3934 530, SellenUn ISO ONE OF NEBRASKAS FINEST Cost To Coast Byowp 8. Lumber Bud-weiser 8, Coast to Coast Falstaff 1 -n. 1 is it.

West Point News from West Point, Nebraska (2024)
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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.