Ventura County Star from Ventura, California (2024)


P. LhmI Wire to The Stor PARIS, France, Sept. 3. Youn Perez, France, defeated Mariano Arilla, Spain, in 10 rounds, retaining the worlds flyweight title. POLO FINALE LOS ANGELES, Sept.

8 The championship polo team of th University of Arizona will play ita final game here tomorrow at Riviera Country Club. SALERNO PUTS NAVARRO AWAY IN THE THIRD McDonald, Sanchez And Yanez Win Their Bouts By LEFTY CROSS Fiva knockout, throe regular it '-t i Admission 40c Divans 50c Tax Extra Children 15c TODAY Non-Stop Show, 2:30 to 11 The course oer nhich the Harmsworth trophy rare is being contested by speedboats representing Great Britain and the United States is shown on the map. The scene is just off the shore of suburban De-' troit, and the race annually drawa crowds eatimated at 300,000 to 500,000 people. The best two out of three heats decides the winner of the prize donated by Lord Northcliffe in 1903. WOOD BESTS DON IN 1ST HEAT HARMSWORTH TROPHY RACES f- 1 Tonight Is Refrigerator Night! Remember You Must Bo Here! An action picture of Miss America Gar Wood's Harmsworth trophy defender, fa shown at tha top.

Below are Mechanic Orlin Johnson, left, and Gar Wood. Miss England HI. skimming over the water at 100 miles an hour is pictured above. Below are Kaye Don, left, Harmaworth trophy challenger, and hie mechanic, Dick Garner, 2 Big Pictures fond Oxnard Edges Out Clothiers In 2nd Tilt To Annex Title Bikes Pedal Out 5-3 Victory Over Stars Printers Devils ule of garnet Tuesday Southern Counties Gassers vs. Paris-Arcade Cleaners; Red White Stores vs.

Goodrich Shoe Shops, Wednesday 20-30 Club vs. Associated Oilers; Channel Bakers vs. Telephone Company Linemen. Thursday Standard Flamos vs, Swith Packers; Crawford Bar. bers vs.

S.F.U. Fraternity. Friday The Stars Printers Devils vs. Hobson Packers; Ventura Department Stores vs. Wilsted Bikes.

Tho Oxnard Merchants wero declared champions of the Oxnard city indoor baseball league last right after they barely nosed out the Brigham and Beaman Clothiers, 4 to 3, in the second game of their doubleheader following an 8-to-1 rout from the Venturans in the opening contest. After coming from behind to win two games in a row the Clothiers saw their title hopes go glimmering as costly errors let in Oxnard runs in the final game last night. They knotted the count in the ninth to force Oxnard to go an extra inning, but the Sugar City team brought in one run in the 10th and held the Clothier batters away from home plate to win the game and the championship. The championship series went the full seven games. Ventura won the first, Oxnard the next three, Ventura the text two, and Oxnard the last.

Score by innings of the second game last night: Oxnard ..101 010 000 14 7 2 Ventura ....011 000 001 0 3 10 3 G. Gruell and C. Gruell; South-wick and Barron. Box score of the first game: Ventura AB and two of the technical variety, gave the fans a unique dish last night at the Ventura Athletic Club stadium, and the only there local fighters on the eard won their hat-ties. Guy Salerno.

160-pound Holly-wood puncher, nad no trouble putting Larry Navarro, of Culver City, out of the way in the third frame of the six-round main event. Navarro, a grandstander of the rankest sort, was' a trifle too co*cky to be a good fighter, and though he did succeed in opening up a bad cut on Salernos left eye, that was the only damage he did. Navarro went down for the counts of seven and nine in the third round before Salerno hung the sleep punch on him in that frame. Just after the beginning of the see-ond round Salerno struck Navarro with a decidedly low blow and the referee stopped the fight until Navarro could be examined. When Seferee Freddie Gilmore found Na-r Jrro was not wearing the new Tnyle protector required by the boxing commission, he ordered Navarro to put on a new one and resume the battle.

Navarro had wanted to quit the fight and argued for a victory by a foul. The scheduled six-round semiwindup between Bob Alcantera. Filipino of Alhambra, and Harry Waldren of Hollywood ended quick-ly in the first frame when the 180-pound Filipino hung a jolt on Waldrons chin, and Waldron went down for the full count. Earlier in the round it appeared as if Waldron was going to give Alcantera a real battle. Jo Sanches of Ventura let loose a vicious attack on Hymie Rodin, 126-pound Loa Angeles boy, in the six-round special event, and was awarded a technical knockout in the fourth frame when a punch to the stomach dropped Rudin.

The referee immediately stopped the fight because Rudin was helpless. When Rainey McDonald, 150-pound Ventura negro, uncorked a terrible jolt under the chin of Danny Martin, Los Angeles negro, in the second frame of the escond preliminary. Martin went down for the count. Up to that time it looked like a fine fight. Ray Yanez, 126-pound Ventura boy showed has ft hefty ock when he won a technical knockout over Joe Bareelone, Los Angeles Cipino, in the second frame of curtainraiser.

Bareelone was ropped four times in the first round for no counts. When he was plugged again the early part of the second frame his manager tossed In the towel. Dutra Odds-On P.G.A. Favorite By S. THOM GROUSE UnitH Frw Staff Correspondent ST.

PAUL, sept. towering Castilian, Olin Dutra, Santa Monica, today should coast through a 36-hole match with Ed Dudley, Concrodville, and tomorrow win the 1932 P. G. A. championship.

Besides Dudley, however, he will have to beat one of two other golfers. Tom Creavy, Albany, N. defending champion, or Frank Walsh, Chicago, who are matched in todays semifinal round, also will be in the way. Dutra, on the basis of previous rounds, should have no difficulty Oh any one of the three. The ifornian has not been over par since the tournament started, while the others have mixed up good golf with indifferent work.

This region has never seen such consistently super golf as Dutra is displaying. His qualifying score of 140 four strokes below the field anl par. Day by day he has added new sub-par rounds to make a record that today found him 12 strokes under par for 129 holes. The Wilsted Bikes pedaled their way to a 5-to-3 victory over The Stars Printers Devils last night in their minor division game of the city indoor league. Dunn and Snyder of The Star nine both got threehase hits, while Wiisted and Mcae of the Bikes, and Snyder and Graffen-ried of the Printers all doubles.

Schell of The Star outfit made a sensational catch of William's long fly for a putout In the second inning. Box score: Printers AB Matthys, 8b 4 11 Cook, lb 4 0 0 Short, 3 0 0 Romero, Dunn, 2b 3 0 3 Schell, If 3 0 0 OBrien, rf 3 0 0 Snyder, ss 3 11 DeGraffenried, cf 3 11 By JOSEPH F. HEARST United Prm Bteff Correspondent HARMSWORTH COURSE, Lake St. Clair, Sept. 3.

Gar Wood, American defender of the Harmsworth trophy, flashed to victory today in the first 35-mile heat of the famous race after trailing Kaye Don, the English challenger, for four of the five laps. Woods Miss America its 48 cylinders beating out a steady tattoo of staccato notes, crossed the line a full two miles ahead of Dons white-hulled Miss England IIL Choppy water and rain which turned from a drizzle to a steady downpour midway in the fourth lap slowed the speed of both boats. Until midway in the fourth lap the Miss America looked like a beaten boat Don had brought Miss England over the starting line Angels Usurp Second Place I By U. f. Lwm4 Win ta Tt Star The three-cornered fight for second place in the Pacific coast league found Los Angeles on top today by a narrow margin.

By defeating Seattle, 8 to 6, in a 13-mnmg affair last night, while San Francisco was taking a 12-to-3 drubbing from Sacra mento, the An gels relegated the Seals into a tie with Hollywood for third place. Ogglesbys home run with the bases loaded in the 13th gave the Angels a well-earned vie Ed Baeeht Lanri Vinci tory over the Indians, Ojaians Slate Two Contests Stover, cf C. Gruell, Clayton, 2b Heath, ss in a brand new idee in pictures Wild West ihow footlooi amonf the bloody politics of a small European kingdom. It's a marval of ACTION and FUN. DAO.

BDES Also On Same Bill "TUP 1 THiiwfim GUEST 6 6 6 3 5 4 6 Waters, lb Hanselman, If Soares, Sb Smith, rf G. Gruell, 29 3 6 -AB 45 816 AB well in advance of Wood, snd opened up a lead of more than a mile on the first lap. Woods average for the 35 miles was 78. 489 miles an hour, far below the record set lest year by Don in Miss England II, when he raced the distance at an average of 89 miles an hour. Wood took Miss America back to his Grayhaven home immediately after the race, and Don headed Miss England for the Henry B.

Joy boat house. I ran the race just as I planned It," Wood said. The boat worked perfectly in every respect. I am delighted to have won today, and I believe we will repeat the victory Monday and retain the trophy. The Miss America seemed outclassed at first and her nose rode high in the tossing water at times.

Thousands were expecting an English victory when in the fourth lap Wood was seen to gain appreciably on the back three-mile straightaway. As he rounded the upper turn, he was a scant 300 yards behind the English boat. As Wood came into the straightaway he swung wide and rapidly overhauled Don. He pasesd him just as the boats Dashed past the timers barge and headed for the upper turn, two miles away. Wood continued to press his advantage, crossing the finish line fare in the lead, while the river craft sounded their horns in salute.

Don, apparently realizing the race was lost, made no effort for speed after the fifth lap was half run. Both Wood and Don took no chances of a recurrence of last years disqualification, when both lost out for beating the gun. Don crossed the'line first, 15.59 seconds after the gun sounded. Wood was five seconds behind him. Dons time for the final lap was but 49.661 miles an hour.

The second heat will be held Monday monfing. If Don wins, the third and deciding1 heat will be held at the same time Tuesday. Don blamed mechanical trouble, which developed in one of his twin motors on the fourth lap. The British pilot said he didnt know whether the Miss England will be ready for the second heat. Woods time for the 35 miles was 30 minutes, 48.72 seconds.

Don finished 33 minutes, 55.92 seconds after the starting gun. LEGION TITLE NEW ORLEANS By U. P. Lnsed Wirt to The SUrl MANCHESTER, N. Sept.

3. New Orleans, team won the Junior American Legion baseball championship with a 10-inning victory over Springfield, 5 to 3, in the fourth and deciding game of their Little World Series yesterday. Oxnard Alstat, rf, Scales, cf Billinger, lb Addison, ss Robb, 2b Bikes Berg, Taylor, 2b Baxter, lb McRae, 3b Martin, ss Williams, If WiMed, rf Hedric; Davis, cf 40 4 1 4 1 4 2 3 1 0 0 0 0 8 3 3 -4 4 4 4 4 4 3 It will be a busy week-end for the Ojai Merchants baseball team, as games are scheduled for both Sunday and Monday. Sunday the Ojaians tangle with the Fillmore Merchants on the Fillmore diamond. The game is to begin at 2:30 oclock.

On Labor Day they take on the strong Santa Barbara Cubs at the Ojai park at the same hour. Thrift is slated to start on the mound for Ojai against Fillmore Sunday, with Monday's lineup as follows. Russell, lb; Gillett, 2b; Raper, ss; Dodge, 3h; Ward, cf; C. Nichols, rf; If; Thrift, Gwins, p. STAR SLOOPS IN HOLIDAY RACES IBs II.

P. Lmsed Win to The Star LOS ANGELES HARBOR, Sept. 3. Star sloops of Southern California will open a Labor Day series of races off Balboa pier today, continuing Sunday and Monday. The annual invitational series will open the following week-end Long Beach.

Laubacher, If Barron, Southwick, 3 Diff, 3b 4 Godde, rf GINGER ROGERS IVU TALOT-4fAMll wOONALD(OOIf CHAUFORO HINT Mft fAUk HURST be iT dew Be AtMfTAGC TtAft uftwdiumaB, 31 5 5 Following is next weeks'sehed- National Singles Tournament Opens rite IT. t. Uutd Win to Tli Star FOREST HILLS, N. Sept. 8.

Twenty-eight first-round matches were scheduled today in the 52nd annual mens national sin gles tennis tournament with 92 of the worlds crack players ready for the Labor Day title battle. Ellsworth Vines of Pasadena, the defending champion, Henri Cochet of France, hie outstanding challenger, and most of the other seeded stars will not play until Monday. Arnold Jones, brilliant youngster from Providence. R. and Sidney B.

Wood, New Yorks veteran internationalist, were opposed in what should be t-dsys big match. VINES TO TRAVEL fBy U. P. Lcaied Win ta Tha Star! NEW YORK, Sept. 3.

Ellsworth Vine of Pasadena, na tional singles tennis champion, will leaj a team of ranking American players on a five-month tour of Australia and the Pacific islands, the United States Lawn Tennis Association announced. The team, which will represent the association, plans to sail October 5 from San Francisco, with Honolulu as the first stop. The preliminary itinerary also includes tournaments in New Zealand and Tasmania. Other members of the team will be Wilmer Allison of Texas, John Van Ryn of Philadelphia, and Keith Gledhill of Santa Barbara, Calif. Mrs.

Allison and Mrs. Van Ryn will accompany them. Vines expects to be married soon, and his bride will go on the tour. msM Mission Theater Always 10c 25c TONIGHT SCREEN'S FAVORITE TWO-FISTED STAR Veuattaam THEATRE Tomorrow And Labor Day Non-Stop Show, 2:30 to 11 The Paris Shop-keeper Who's Got What You WanUt pitched the entire route for the Seraphs. Seattle relied upon Kal-lio, Walters and Nelson.

Sacramento pounded three Seals hurlers for 17 hits to keep the bases occupied. Vinci held the Seals to nine scattered hits. Hollywood took another defeat at the hands of Oakland, 5 to 2. The Oaks solved the offerings of Emil Yde to the extent of 14 safeties while Joiner limited the Stars to six bingles. The Missions combined wild pitching with poor fielding to drop their third gam in four starts to the league-leading Portland Ducks, 9 to 4.

I AH Seats, Including: Divans 1 35c Children 10c 35 1 7 12 Score by Innings: Ventura 001 230 0028 Oxnard 000 000 0011 Young U.S. Golfers Wallop Britishers By FRANK MURPHY United Preu Staff Corespondent BROOKLINE, Sept. 8 American youths who perhaps were playing hookey when the Walker Cup was put in competition a decade ago have made Great Britain wait at least two more years for its first victory in the blue ribbon event of golfdom A decisive 8-to-l victory of the United States over Great Britain at the country club yesterday in the sixth renewal of the mashes was truly a triumph of young athletic America. George Dunlap, of East Orange, N. Charley Seaver of Los Angeles, Maurice.

McCarthy of New York, and Gus Moreland of Dallas, Texas all of them in their twenties gave the U. S. team its four singles victories. And the youngest pair of all, Billy Howell of Richmond, and Don Moe of Portland, played the most spectacular golf in Thursdays four doubles matches, all of which were won by the United States. Americas veterans, Francis Oui.

met of Boston and Jess Sweetser of Phiadephia, had to be content with having their matches. George Voight of New York, another experienced competitor, was the victim of Great Britains single winner, red-haired Leonard TONIGHT 3 Shows 5-7-9 BOY, GIRL TOURNEY By U. P. Leased Wirt to Tim BterJ LOS ANGELES, Sept 8i Final rounds of an annual city-wide boy and girl tennis tournament will be played today and tomorrow. MISSION THEATER Always 10c and25c Sunday and Monday Lineups Given For Inter-City Affair Otto Martins newly-organized Oxnard Merchants will invade Ventura tomorrow to challenge the Ventura Merchants at Seaside Park.

The game will begin at 2:30 oclock. Probable lineups: VENTURA OXNARD Heath, Mitchell, 2b Gonzales, Henry, If Gillespie, lb F. Moore, lb Keyes, 2b Barton, 3b Damerone, as Addison, ss Clayton, 3b Snively, ef Manzer If L. Moore, rf. Eaton, ef Stevens, Scroggins, rf Kalise, WU-jtKeV'' KOVsIlD HUCHESf Wltfre-HOTTHUNDESSOJT LEONARD WINS TUNE-UP BOUT ROUTHS 592 E.

Main Labor Day Specials FrL Sat. Sun. Old Fashioned TAFFY Lb 25c Dark Chocolate PEANUTS Lb Chocolate Covered CHEWS 6. 20c WINTER GOLF MEETS CARDED (By U. P.

Lcticd Wire to Tht Star LOS ANGELES, Sept. 3. The following winter golf, tournaments were listed today following a meeting of officials here: San Francisco, Dec. 7-12, Pasadena, Dec. 16-18, Glendale, Dec.

24-26, Santa Monica, Dec. 30-31, Los Angeles, Jan. 7-9, $5000; Agua Caliente, Jan. 11-14, value not Actionl Laugh! Thrill PATH! PICTUtl Comedy T- By U. P.

Lmh4 Wirt to Th Star NEW YORK, Sept. 3. Benny Leonard, former lightweight champion, won a six-round decision last night over Phil Rafferty, New York welterweight, at Long Beach stadium. It was one of aeries of tune-up bouts for Leonards 10-rounder with Jimmy McLarnin Oct. 8, the climax of Bennys comeback wMPAWlMUNt AMNBVOBAK toon names uumMotur BOttS -ftAMCMnaN- KAUOSS HOWARD HAWKS ASeptoJ Bm He chi fra1, Ac Med By Aiaitote Trell i UNTO) ARTISTS HCIlgl Matinees Sunday and Monday, Starting 2:80, Continuous Also Added Feature WILD ViOr.lEH QF0031IO CHARLIE RDCGLES, CIABUS BinTHtWORTHiRd MYRNA LOT Also Novelties a sd Latest Paramount Nnfl 1 4th Chapter "Last of the Mohicans 1 JL.

Ventura County Star from Ventura, California (2024)
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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.