"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How to be a good detective?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"
Below is a list of essential detective soft skills.
  1. Adaptability. Adaptability is your ability to adjust quickly and effectively to new situations and environments. ...
  2. Analytical thinking. ...
  3. Communication. ...
  4. Problem-solving. ...
  5. Research and investigation. ...
  6. Data Analysis. ...
  7. Technical Proficiency. ...
  8. Actively practice.
More items...
Mar 12, 2024
"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is the mysterious game?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Video-based or online interactive mystery games will use video to provide the back story of the crime and may provide witness testimonials or show evidence to allow guests to solve the case in a more \"game\" style format. These are often played individually, and occasionally in larger groups, on the internet."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What crime is the hardest to solve?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Burglary is probably the most difficult to solve because its perpetrators do not have a motive that makes the victim's identity relevant. In most cases, they will elect to steal from an unoccupied home or dwelling, which may leave few, if any, witnesses."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What was the first true crime game?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"
True Crime: Streets of LA
"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Who solved the most crimes?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Elmer Smith: A New York City police detective who is known as the \"Father of Forensics.\" Smith was a pioneer in the use of scientific evidence to solve crimes, and he is credited with solving over 2,000 cases in his career."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Is L.A. Noire OK for a 12 year old?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Parents read perfect for twelve and up

There is shooting and blood, but no gore. There is no sex or nudity in this game but there is a mention of someone being raped and your character is uncomfortable with the comment. There is language, but itsn't frequent."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Who was the real killer in L.A. Noire?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"You know what I'm capable of and yet you walk in here, like lambs dressed for the slaughter. Mason taunting Cole Phelps and Rusty Galloway. Garrett Mason, also known as the Black Dahlia Killer, is the main antagonist of the Homicide Desk in the video game L.A. Noire."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Why was L.A. Noire so good?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"A narrative full of characters that talked and acted like real people, and a hero that is flawed in realistic ways. Team Bondi put a lot of work in getting everything to look and feel as authentic as possible, and it shows."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Is L.A. Noire worth buying?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Really unique game we'll worth playing it was also really ahead of its time with some of the tech it used. L.A Noire is another incredible example of Rockstar Games' excellent work, transporting players to 1940s Los Angeles with impressive precision."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Why is L.A. Noire called Noire?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"It's more of a play on words. \"La\" is the feminine version of \"le\" so instead of \"le noir\" it's \"la noire.\" Effectively, the title would translate to \"Black Los Angeles\" which one could interpret as LA being a city full of sin, crime, corruption, and overall lack of morals."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Is L.A. Noire appropriate?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Parents need to know that L.A. Noire is a mature crime thriller featuring gunfights, nude corpses, and strong language."}}]}}

What was the last time we had a good detective game? (2024)

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Community-driven video game blog & discussion

  1. 3 days ago



    Some PC-98 slop my weeb ex girlfriend emulated 14 years ago

  2. 3 days ago



    What was the last time we had a good detective game? (6)

    Would Rain Code count?

  3. 3 days ago



    Batman Arkham Knight?

    • 3 days ago



      L.A. Noire.

      What was the last time we had a good detective game? (7)

      Go frick yourselves. You're the reason it's impossible to find detective games on Steam. When someone looks for a "detective" game, they don't just fricking want to play a game where the player character is a detective. Is Pizza Tower a fricking cooking sim because the main character is a chef?

      • 3 days ago



        What was the last time we had a good detective game? (8)

        >they don't just fricking want to play a game where the player character is a detective

      • 3 days ago



        What was the last time we had a good detective game? (9)

        L.A. Noire is a fricking detective game through and through, You work at a station, solve crimes, interrogate, and have to piece together what happened. You may be looking for the term "mystery" or "puzzle adventure" games if thats what you are looking for.

        • 3 days ago



          I think he meant good game

          • 3 days ago



            L.A. Noire is a great game. What issues do you have with it?

            • 3 days ago



              I’ll admit, I never played it, I was just doing a bit of sh*tposting

              • 3 days ago


                shame on you. go sit in the corner and think about what you've done.

              • 3 days ago


                >"In truth Father, I have never read Dante or Ariosto."

            • 3 days ago



              Not him but Arsonist not really being about Arsonist except the first case and the DLC case.

              • 3 days ago


                Thats fair.

                Bad writing, bad acting, railroads you into bad solves for the ratings, can't be like a real detective back then and just frame people, random crime is annoying to bother with, stupid chases for what amounts to no reason, the overreaching story intrudes.

                I disagree with half of this (the acting and writing), agree with the chases to some extent, but I think the framing sh*t and overarching story complaints are moronic.

            • 3 days ago



              Bad writing, bad acting, railroads you into bad solves for the ratings, can't be like a real detective back then and just frame people, random crime is annoying to bother with, stupid chases for what amounts to no reason, the overreaching story intrudes.

        • 3 days ago



          What was the last time we had a good detective game? (10)

          I swear a ton of complaints for LA Noire is from autists who cannot read expressions.

      • 3 days ago



        those are detective games you dumb c**t

      • 3 days ago



        There are detective segments in Arkham Knight and Arkham Origins.
        But if you must know most detective games are boring point and click sh*t.

        Anyway here's some more focused detective games.
        The Sinking City
        Murdered: Soul Suspect
        Sherlock Holmes series

      • 3 days ago



        100% this

        We need mystery games, and not "detective" games

        • 3 days ago



          there's a bunch of them posted in this thread dude

      • 3 days ago



        I get sh*tting on Batman but how the frick are DE and LA Noire not detective games?

        • 3 days ago



          Because you don't do any fricking detective work in Disco Elysium? The only clue you can gather that points to something else going on is hidden behind skill check, and then the guilty turns out to be some guy way the frick over there, you probably don't know him, he goes to a different school. There's a reason the perp in Columbo wasn't a random extra who showed up a minute before the credits.

          • 3 days ago



            The criminal being someone entirely new appearing at the last moment is a classic of detective stories though. It's either that, or whoever was the first suspect.
            Columbo is p much unique in how you have a 5~10 minutes intro first and you know who, why, when, where, and you get to watch Columbo work it out.

            • 3 days ago



              Actually, the culprit/killer in most mystery stories is usually a seemingly irrelevant side character who gets enough screen time for the audience to remember them, but not enough screen time for them to be considered a major member of the cast. Also, the first and most obvious suspect is ALWAYS a red herring.

              t. has seen more mystery stories in my life than I can count

              • 3 days ago


                >Also, the first and most obvious suspect is ALWAYS a red herring.
                Knives Out bros?

              • 3 days ago


                I didn't like that movie which was disappointing because I thought it was cool to have a big budget detective film like that. I thought it was obvious who would be the killer based on the casting because there was no way they would hire Chris Evans and have him barely do anything for the first two thirds of the movie like they did unless he was the culprit. Also I don't remember what exactly happened with the pills but I remember seeing it coming from a mile away because the camera gives huge focus on them when Ana de Armas is visiting the ld guy before he died but then they treat it like some massive twist later. I wouldn't have even minded all that if it were funny or charming like Clue which it seemed to be going for, but it didn't work for me.

              • 3 days ago


                Interesting. I quite liked it despite everything feeling obvious because I basically saw it as an excuse for a bunch of actors to do fun characters. There were some bits that didn't work too well, but Craig specifically did an outstanding performance.

              • 3 days ago


                I’ve never liked this practice of getting a big name actor to play the culprit. It makes it too obvious who did it from a meta perspective.

                I get wanting the killer to give a good performance once they’re caught, and for them to have some kind of antagonistic/intimidation factor, but I don’t see why they couldn’t give a literally who actor the chance to fill that role.

  4. 3 days ago



    Case Of The Golden Idol
    Rain Code for mystery jap kino

  5. 3 days ago



    Obra Dinn

  6. 3 days ago



    Shadows of Doubt is pretty good (when it works).

  7. 3 days ago



    What was the last time we had a good detective game? (11)

    Currently waiting for Shadows of Doubt to come out of early access so I can buy it

  8. 3 days ago



    L.A. Noire.

  9. 3 days ago



    What was the last time we had a good detective game? (12)

    • 3 days ago



      >Well you have a good day, sir.
      >Oh....just 25 more things...

    • 3 days ago



      dogsh*t detective game, you don't have to figure anything out and there is no way to deduce the culprit being a random old guy nobody even so much as mentions existing before you meet him

  10. 3 days ago



    just one more thing

  11. 3 days ago



    What was the last time we had a good detective game? (13)

    I thought Blacksad was pretty dece.

    • 3 days ago



      I started playing this, and it turned out to be knock off Telltale "games" slop.

    • 3 days ago



      >Look it up
      >Comic book
      I don't like the voice of the MC from the video on Steam.

    • 3 days ago



      They made a cat Luther game?

  12. 3 days ago



    What was the last time we had a good detective game? (14)

    You already know it.

  13. 3 days ago



    Obra Dinn

  14. 3 days ago



    I'm waiting for Joe Kowalski

    • 3 days ago



      >ESL Babble in description.

      • 3 days ago



        they are from ireland, what do you mean

        • 3 days ago



          The description is missing a ton of articles (words like a or the)

  15. 3 days ago



    Resident Evil Village
    Resident Evil 4 Remake

    • 3 days ago



      Those are NOT detective games. have a nice day.

      • 3 days ago



        They are the most basic kind of detective games. Survival Horror.

        • 3 days ago



          Dead Rising is more of a detective game than either of those.

          • 3 days ago



            Is that a fact?

            • 3 days ago



              Frank is an investigative journalist after all. The crux of the game is Frank uncovering the truth.

        • 3 days ago



          What was the last time we had a good detective game? (15)

          >A game has a puzzle in it
          >This makes it a detective game

    • 3 days ago



      What was the last time we had a good detective game? (16)

      >Resident Evil

      • 3 days ago




        Yep, those are detective agencies.

        Frank is an investigative journalist after all. The crux of the game is Frank uncovering the truth.

        That actually makes sense.

  16. 3 days ago



    shadows of doubt is.. ok? I feel like you learn to work around the game's mechanics more than you learn to play with them though if that makes any sense.

  17. 3 days ago



    man, really loved that columbo game back in the day on nes. played the hell out of it.

    • 3 days ago



      What was the last time we had a good detective game? (17)

      You made me look this up to see if its real.

      • 3 days ago



        What was the last time we had a good detective game? (18)

        • 3 days ago



          Come get me I'm waiting.

    • 3 days ago



      >My wife, she knows a thing or two about detective games. Really good at detecting where best to match three of the same item, and finding hidden things in the environment, always playing on that tablet.

  18. 3 days ago



    Come and arrest me glowtards, I'm waiting. Can't wait to blow you the frick out and sh*t all over your fake evidence.

    Going to try and make me out to be schizo? Good luck with that.

  19. 3 days ago



    Shadows of doubt.

    • 3 days ago



      Is this just randomly generated cases or sh*t that ya have to solve?

  20. 3 days ago



    What was the last time we had a good detective game? (19)

    the blade runner game

  21. 3 days ago



    >We never got a Columbo telltale game.
    It would've been kino

    • 3 days ago



      >We play the murderer trying to do the murder and make the perfect crime scene and try to get away with it from the best detective

      • 3 days ago



        Columbo is easy to defeat if you just don't talk to him and don't let him get in your head.

        • 3 days ago



          Pressure management system where you have to keep your cool whenever Columbo shows up (he always shows up just as you're about to move and hide an important piece of evidence).

      • 3 days ago



        What was the last time we had a good detective game? (20)

        This might be how Dead Red Hood is gonna play like.

  22. 3 days ago



    What was the last time we had a good detective game? (21)

    Deadly Premonition

  23. 3 days ago



    How would a Columbo game work? Like L.A. Noire but good?

  24. 3 days ago



    What was the last time we had a good detective game? (22)

    Does it still counts as a detective game if you are investigating paranormal cases?

  25. 3 days ago



    What was the last time we had a good detective game? (23)

    this came out recently and was pretty good
    it's pretty up front with the stuff it was inspired by, but doesn't matter. all the cases are pretty good, only the engrish voice acting is a bit weird but it's passable

    • 3 days ago




      • 3 days ago



        and? what is your point? it's a good game

  26. 3 days ago



    can't believe nobody mentioned the actual last good detective game. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2637990/Duck_Detective_The_Secret_Salami/

    although the problem is that it's quite short

  27. 3 days ago



    What was the last time we had a good detective game? (24)

    Sure it looks like ass, but you can make a conspiracy board, collect fingerprints, and sneak through ventilation ducts.

    • 3 days ago



      I actually like how this game looks - except the people. People in this game look ugly as sh*t. Making their faces voxelized like the rest of the game was a mistake, should have gone for low-poly with sprite faces instead.

  28. 3 days ago



    What was the last time we had a good detective game? (25)

    I have a taste for the crappy, silly ones that makes Scooby Doo feel like high-tier detective work in comparison

    • 3 days ago



      Is that michigan: report from hell?

      • 3 days ago




  29. 3 days ago



    Play The Signifier

  30. 3 days ago



    What was the last time we had a good detective game? (26)

    If you like detective games I implore you to look into the JB Harold Games and check out my thread about the unsolved mystery in the game.


  31. 3 days ago



    What was the last time we had a good detective game? (27)

    KCD's main quest is like 80% of being a medieval P.I. Even many side quests play like a detective story.

  32. 3 days ago



    Detective games aren't made anymore because anyone smart enough to write a good mystery wouldn't make a fricking video game since these days most sheep would just watch on YouTube instead of playing it themselves and the dev would make no money

  33. 3 days ago



    Dominique Pamplemousse?

  34. 3 days ago


    • 3 days ago




      • 3 days ago




      • 3 days ago



        get out with that hom*osexual


    • 3 days ago



      get out with that hom*osexual

  35. 3 days ago



    Sherlock Holmes games

    • 3 days ago



      reading walkthroughs sis?

  36. 3 days ago



    What was the last time we had a good detective game? (28)

    Worth it to watch Columbo?

    • 3 days ago



      Yes, the whole show is you see the killer commit the crime and sh*t and to see how Columbo manages to solve the crime.

    • 3 days ago



      Definitely worth watching it in its prime. When the brought it back in the 80s it came back with a noticeable decline in quality from its early days, though there are still some good episodes, I'd say you're not missing much if you just watch from Ransom for a Dead Man up to The Conspirators. The pilot, Prescription: Murder, isn't bad either but it's not really like the show normally is.

    • 3 days ago



      its kino but will really make you notice how bad the modern industry is

  37. 3 days ago



    What was the last time we had a good detective game? (29)

    >detective game

  38. 3 days ago




  39. 3 days ago



    Obra Dinn and Outer Wilds

  40. 3 days ago



    What was the last time we had a good detective game? (30)

  41. 3 days ago



    ive been rewatching columbo since yesterday wtf

  42. 3 days ago



    Does anyone else think vidya is generally a bad medium for a mystery/whodunnit story?

    Once you’ve solved the case, there’s no replay value other than spotting the foreshadowing and noticing how all the pieces fit together. This is a fine reason for a rewatch/reread in any other medium, but in a game, it just means you’re just watching a murder mystery movie while the gameplay sees you doing the exact same things you did on the first playthrough, just slightly faster since you know where all the correct clues are now.

    The only time I’ve seen a mystery game have decent replay value is in Heavy Rain where the game also doubles up as a CYOA game as well as a mystery, or in Judgement and Lost Judgement where the game is just a beat-em-up with a detective flair.

    • 3 days ago



      The Westwood Blade Runner game randomized who was and wasn't a replicant, so I'd imagine some sort of gimmick like that can help but only so much.

  43. 3 days ago



    What was the last time we had a good detective game? (31)

    The Silver Case series (The Silver Case, Flower Sun and Rain, and The 25th Ward) are among my favorite detective stories of all time.

  44. 3 days ago



    I too miss the point and click era.
    Hundreds of CD games never to see the light of the day.

    Sad tbh

  45. 3 days ago



    Sherlock Homes: Crimes and Punishment
    >find clues
    >clues lead to deduction
    >you usually have 3 deductions to pick from, meaning you can be wrong
    There isnt a better detective system out there yet.

  46. 3 days ago



    >Just one more thing, Mr. Szyslak
    >Now on the night of the murder of Mr. Simpson, patrons of your bar claim he was here having a beer
    >And before leaving for the night, you claim that Homer said “I’m gonna go to Sneed’s Feed and Seed” which is where his body was found
    >And that puzzled me for a while Mr. Szyslak
    >You see, I noticed a few things
    >First things first is the sign. It said “Sneed’s Feed and Seed”
    >But what I had noticed under those words was a tag saying “Formerly Chuck’s”
    >That got me thinking, Sneed didn’t own this store in the past. It was owned by a guy named Chuck.
    >Now stay with me for one moment Mr. Szyslak
    >After that, I questioned the misses Sneed about the sale of the store, and what she revealed was unbelievable
    >Sneed had bought the store day of the murder of Homer Simpson
    >But get this, the sign for Chuck’s store was not taken down yet.
    >So Moe Szyslak, do you mind telling me why Homer would say he’s going to “Sneed’s Feed and Seed” when it was still showing’s Chuck’s sign?

What was the last time we had a good detective game? (2024)


Is there a game where you are a detective? ›

L.A. Noire

You play as Cole Phelps, a police patrolman turned detective on a mission to work your way up through the police force without deviating from your morals along the way. You comb through crime scenes, question witnesses, and pursue leads until you've got a suspect or two who you can interrogate.

What is the best crime solving game? ›

L.A. Noire gives you the whole experience of being in a Hollywood crime drama. Set in Los Angeles in the late '40s, you control Cole Phelps as he solves cases and rises through the ranks of the LAPD. You get locations to search for clues and suspects to interrogate.

Is La Noire a good detective game? ›

Nothing quite like this detective story out there. A unique experience that really takes you into the mind of a detective dealing with deceptive witnesses. A series of great stories that is presented expertly and second to none, as Rockstar rarely disappoints. Game is still fun all these years later.

What games are like La Noire? ›

How to be a good detective? ›

Below is a list of essential detective soft skills.
  1. Adaptability. Adaptability is your ability to adjust quickly and effectively to new situations and environments. ...
  2. Analytical thinking. ...
  3. Communication. ...
  4. Problem-solving. ...
  5. Research and investigation. ...
  6. Data Analysis. ...
  7. Technical Proficiency. ...
  8. Actively practice.
Mar 12, 2024

What is the mysterious game? ›

Video-based or online interactive mystery games will use video to provide the back story of the crime and may provide witness testimonials or show evidence to allow guests to solve the case in a more "game" style format. These are often played individually, and occasionally in larger groups, on the internet.

What crime is the hardest to solve? ›

Burglary is probably the most difficult to solve because its perpetrators do not have a motive that makes the victim's identity relevant. In most cases, they will elect to steal from an unoccupied home or dwelling, which may leave few, if any, witnesses.

What was the first true crime game? ›

True Crime: Streets of LA

Who solved the most crimes? ›

Elmer Smith: A New York City police detective who is known as the "Father of Forensics." Smith was a pioneer in the use of scientific evidence to solve crimes, and he is credited with solving over 2,000 cases in his career.

Is L.A. Noire OK for a 12 year old? ›

Parents read perfect for twelve and up

There is shooting and blood, but no gore. There is no sex or nudity in this game but there is a mention of someone being raped and your character is uncomfortable with the comment. There is language, but itsn't frequent.

Who was the real killer in L.A. Noire? ›

You know what I'm capable of and yet you walk in here, like lambs dressed for the slaughter. Mason taunting Cole Phelps and Rusty Galloway. Garrett Mason, also known as the Black Dahlia Killer, is the main antagonist of the Homicide Desk in the video game L.A. Noire.

Why was L.A. Noire so good? ›

A narrative full of characters that talked and acted like real people, and a hero that is flawed in realistic ways. Team Bondi put a lot of work in getting everything to look and feel as authentic as possible, and it shows.

Is L.A. Noire worth buying? ›

Really unique game we'll worth playing it was also really ahead of its time with some of the tech it used. L.A Noire is another incredible example of Rockstar Games' excellent work, transporting players to 1940s Los Angeles with impressive precision.

Why is L.A. Noire called Noire? ›

It's more of a play on words. "La" is the feminine version of "le" so instead of "le noir" it's "la noire." Effectively, the title would translate to "Black Los Angeles" which one could interpret as LA being a city full of sin, crime, corruption, and overall lack of morals.

Is L.A. Noire appropriate? ›

Parents need to know that L.A. Noire is a mature crime thriller featuring gunfights, nude corpses, and strong language.

Is Crime Boss a real game? ›

Crime Boss is the first game produced by Ingame Studios, a new developer of around 70 employees based in Brno, Czech Republic. The game released in late March 2023 exclusively to the Epic Games Store for PC. It was later released for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S in June 2023.

Is there a game like True Crime? ›

Eastern Market Murder

Discover a series of augmented reality games that challenge you to step back in time to solve the crime! Investigate spine-tingling true historical crimes as you question witnesses, explore crime scenes and collect evidence to reclaim justice for the victims' families.

How do you play the detective game? ›

How to Play
  1. One player leaves the room and becomes the detective.
  2. Choose one player to hide in a place in the room where they will not be visible.
  3. The rest of the circle changes places or changes seats.
  4. Call the detective back into the room.
  5. The detective then tries to guess who is hidden.

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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Last Updated:

Views: 5821

Rating: 4 / 5 (51 voted)

Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.