The Toronto Star from Toronto, Ontario, Canada (2024)

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The Toronto Stari

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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TUESD NOVEMBER 30 1063 TORONTO DAILY STAR PAGE 25 Toronto BRIES Unlisted Toronto closing stock Money Markets bid ask mines ons anmimuuiMUuiHuuuiiinuimiidiinuiUB 35 23 Stocks not traded to 3 pnt 23 1W ns IM INDUSTRIALS 9 3 495 3 4 INDUSTRIALS for near 2 in 55 60 24 MOH it 3 24 $7 3 42 IS El 5 59 robex Genex 3 I uontoA SAa a j4 ia 1 3 101 5 1 21 10 Cn 105 $8 37 $9 30 25 60 21 20 6 93 650 7 13 230 Vb 19 STONE WEBSTER 6 3 5 12 6 10 IQ 244 238 244 13 73 18 20 8 22 23 2 19 Employ 3 30 6500 10 31 20 5 10 490 2 OILS 20 2 17 4 19 to 130 70 MINES 5 40 Livestock 4 2 A 32 7H 4 8 18800 5 2 Produce 2 98 23 430 48 $50 11 450 20 to 10 2 190 144 doz 43 90 10 45 193 $35 425 to Market indices Kiena 48 775 OCCIDENTAL LIE Unlisted X1965 61 $96 industrials 4 2 62 65 55 4 4m 225 25 220 1800 73 Miura loweri merur 8241 All Canada Bowling MINES 75 30 2 16 16 1 500 AVERAGES 5 Slocks 75 1 41 LONDON 36 9 Monday inancial 14 fiatiler Induct 750 25 8 4 of 1025 Chicago grain 25 43 ELLIOT 1 2 57 57 Currency 13U 4 12 12 High Low Close Open all 6 6 22 i 2241 A Mt 30 36 cants 116 11674 15 9Vt 69 70 2 300 10 Tomrion Paper ptd 28 TEXACO CANADA LIMITED Lew Close Open High POPIK $57 133 $23 23 5'6 184 940 2W 26H 526M ion 11950 14650 35 30 Leu Lau $18 400 $22 225 $52 23 1388 102 3 395 ttl 1G3 76 9ft 2675P SO33 500 76 23 83 143 102 35 23 600 200 100 22 13 21 10 41 86M 270 310 635 225 37 179 $22 10 72 20 532 100 5025 I 300 275 16 52 730 23 199 270 16 15 11 17 I IM 920 $14 $39 475 $14 350 19 260 465 13 27 4 18 475 36 147 6 335 30 12 63 25 46 305 17 10 2 200 63 35 6170 6150 6) 40 6325 6350 63 00 39 149 high low 1629 17832 16559 1669 1472 35 23 80 52 60 500 76 23 271 52 22 238 660 8700 1800 1900 5 25 1250 7 90 5 3 31 33 25 3 10 6 25 $10 36 9 100 2 55 1 33 62 2 75 3 3 8 115 1 28 11 10 20 45 40 35 oreign Dy Tne $11 $19 425 $28 $56 55 $24 $16 $15 $18 $6 295 $71 $99 $31 $86 a 13 22 335 30 12 63 40 31 575 475 16 23 39 16 77 39 10 05 233 HO 8 12 15 12 8 10 26 76n 15' 2 33 $5 II 38 490 Stocks 33487 33742 29332 1000 1000 1000 5000 700 1000 7500 6000 24 360 $40 135 83 203 101 23 195 66 198 320 226 210 17 10 16 16 20 6 20 3 28 20 5 6 62 18 27 33 92 700 19 ft 750 5 3 19 8 B0 18 60 70 23 9 8 Be 515 Bet 4 Bet 56o Bet 4to $23 $22 a 225 55 $9 393 250 $25 $21 $3434 $14 $21 455 $28 353 165 $48 9 145 $48 $19a $50 49 16 360 350 350 125 1 26 1072 1043 1012 1000 9 91 0 72 $28 $30 $12' 4 $5 365 $19 10 54 10 25 Hi 984 9 76 967 9 53 928 13 40 31 575 465 5 23 33 16 77 39 9 14 high low 24 15 $12 27 72 19 $38 490 275 21 1H too 61 in 835 IS SOS 5) 12 27 15 182 5 28 27 6 2 70 7 10 5 5 23 3 8 3 7 8 95 35 13 25 11 17 19 8 30 31 8 $1C $10 $16 $53 $39 $45 $40 250 $4 $7 $11 $13 45 18 21 43 42 Dr Groc Hees Hee $25 $46 i $11 $47 $30 $150 100 $26 1 0 28 25 250 10 36 55 $25 $45 310 $19 5 350 840 17 510 60 11 84 5067 $3 70 4169 63 123 24 85 Allied Merch pr Allied Towers Msrch com $25 27 40 53 24 22 74 W5 8 28 79 2446 2) 43 23 195 66 203 330 228 210 20 24 73 52 25 25 2 15 8 2 32 10 23 20 3 5 11 8 6 11 30 72 625 42 40 2 8 41 15 45 55 21 81 460 75 195 13 23 37 29 7 7 13 13 34 23 98 $5 7 445 340 8 9V 20 525 95 Mont NS pr 64 2300 5065 3323 150 333 100 1850 103 10156 32) 1000 100 125 $25 $49 $6 390 45 400 Alta GT 5 Apr 15 83 85 Sask 5 Dec 63 85 Metals 8510 8330 8656 7179 8749 7326 i dose 17 16 20 10 56J 545 135 385 130 27 30 44 130 30 18 Masi NS LP xd Ntd Light Que Phone 175000 5000 2000 8000 700 500 2300 41700 1000 530 500 400 7000 1500 500 17200 17000 19O 2530 1101 500 10600 61 4 12 53 6 16 10 71 255 21 330 5 17 6 10 3 5 2 38 3 5 1 22 123 129 I3O $9 $20 SIS 12 41 $12 450 450 $39 185 185 $3144 $35 5 142 8 285 11 102 47 Blag Paper Gas Gas A Gas 46 305 Induit 16551 16579 Stanwell Triad Oil Union Oil Unlspher Canw Un ReelP WMatea Wsburre DeceHa Decll 1000 $00 1020 10000 3000 65CO 11600 3100 8500 3500 28CO 275 1100 20550 1000 600 1475 1000 T150 1300 100 300 32U5 8175 503 2150 3064 2140 100 2503 12OC3 250 z75 1235 3700 1000 ZI53 45703 630 2530 175 2215 3600 1000 5850 23D 1005 44 14Q 52 198 725 36 255 212 265 92 275 25 169 19M Jubilee Desnind Waco Watson Westifd West HHI Wesley West West Was David Oils BC on Dalhsie Harvest Ke rd ar Surp 400 17ft 8 34 3 40 25 Retra Salt 4 Vlc WaiA WaiB 80 11 48 16 14 11 70 5 51 THE MERCANTILE BANK CANADA 71 1655 10)0 790 1850 4204 J40 333 75 150 275 184 19 14J $16 300 4 TO 255 91 23 8 49 400 180 22 2434 21 21 Life Oil Tod lob Accep Mln Wire 10 38 97 63 23 6335 6250 Golds 15603 15852 15872 15314 18790 15068 previous 3494 4401 052 14500 ann 1000 33000 500 20 15 145 15 $21 9 64 675 19 4 20 6330 6165 10 39 22 202 205 10 Stocks 9183 9234 1072 1042 10 11 1000 91 973 9 63 942 130 27 30 43 140 15 100 90N) 100 linnn 132000 1990 188000 100 2131 1320 325 1JQ 150 Z50 350 390 1860 600 203 26 247 460 25 1030 iai 300 206 20000 100 1200 zTO 407 400 25 $14 $8 $18 $12 $27 2C5 $45 $26 $24 $624t $85 $36 UH $7 $43 $49 $16 360 360 6 55 10 a 25 65 IS 5 2 9 3 23 88 100 $16 $23 $10 $9 I $13 $8 Gpr Gw 700 too 25 IX 125 13 1W 15 10059 1550 1350 1253 350 720 14Q 260 2tf 300 100 3506 140 200 137 4145 116 120 ITT 125 121 Mon Close Week ago 6 21 A lp 2P 145 55 $20 $20 14 35 21 28 22 74 800 14 10 $32 22 Abitfcl Aita Gas Atta A Gas Alg Cen Atporra 13 15 8 351 125 L2I Munday hloh X1965 low Constr Oil orest Phone 23 245 10 33 7 10 60 35 8 10 250 13 7 6 $30 a 12 $22 5 5 1 162 163 1 50 154 3 257 2 60 162 16 340 685 10 147 300 95 3 15 10 37 18 Reuter Indust Kaifirs $91 S3 $22 $27 $5 275 76 17 17 98 9500 99 25 9475 951X3 9125 9675 96W Ex Bank 5 17 8 2600 lOX 2000 175 5000 BY 1500 480 43 MV4 35 475 118 64 16 24 168 240 12 90 Salem San Ant Serirrco 132 133 5 68 8 29 21 70 24 14 8 18 12 27 200 45 26 23 61 36 6H 7 19 20 AVERAGES Times 116 121 123 125 121 5 50 100 113 60 12 393 21 43 10 10 47 30 33 $7 15 23 34 25 I 20 vsvryrcyfu 14000 265 200 14000 inn 6500 1550 12nnQ xnno 500 the develop straln in tne the area of IN THE ESTATE PAUL Deceased AH persons having claims the estate or ram 1 28 3O' 1 I 13 I 58 32 I 305 I 21 i 299 325 23 24 28 79 i 2A 23 39 35 210 1 Bank act before the bill will be parliament 36 18 567 71 99 31 175 851 $934 $62 $12 S2C $6 $69 $9 $11 $63 $36 $38 May 3 55 2 $18 $10 '10 $5 400 $45 410 65 6 75 $7 450 IS 24 45 3 10 19 18 Rio Aigom Athab Rockwin Roman Rowan 24 Acme Gas All Rox Alrnlnex Am Ladue Anchor Ang Dev Asamera Banff Calvert Camerna CS Pele Dehi 225 5 4 Mralgo Mcneta Nello Nar Ac Cold Rock Can Bcage NuluI Olear Orc ha Pato Reeve Renab Ryanr Slnrck Sun Ex Torbit Mind Btav surt Wr Young Yukon $43 Labatt Lafarge A LOnt Cam LOCem Laura Lau I Life Invest Lilt Inv wt LobCo A LobCo LcbCo pr bO I pr LcbG pr LcbG 2 pr Lc Modern A Menu a Maher Maher MLt Gard Manoir In Leaf Ml MflSS MEPC Met Stores VPG Inv Miir trick Moison A 25 $101 I5U4 1225 150 110 303 598 i 430 1630 727 20607 11120 10156 8672 I 600 i 117 37 161 164 162 240 $54 840 13 510 51 11 84 36 12 21 24 12 43 nw Mt tn $13 $13 $22 $79 $6 SI3U $27 $51 $27 $2748 U' SiOM $21 $14 $15 121 $28 $10 $10 495 82 33 12 13 58 32 300 21 295 325 24 13' 280 15'Y 42 Monday XI 965 X1965 $12 13 60 32 35 $21 305 42 15 $20 40 38 5 6 7 19 4 3 84 25 27 12 80 34' i 30 9 615 180 $10 27 30 12 4 4 Beacon4 4BI CitH S2C $146 $21 1 95 60 62 1412 zM 10 $107 ISO 400 1192 1523 Z50 100 4626 275 $30 $50 $23 $25 $17 $14 I $52 710 Ritrn Steep Sud Coni Sullivan Teck Corp Territory 4 4JTexmonl 70 697it 67 OILS 20 55 39 LIS 2500 1000 7no 4000 18 400 270 51 14 3CGI Thom TT Can $6 TT Tlrs $13 $84 25 $12 80 $34 $30 $5'4 $23 285 $19 1J2 1QO0 1Z500 2X 2650 8700 13300 84X M33 530 25X 5019 $700 40 7003 1000 6230 300 1230 4500 1500 2X0 3200 U0M 529569 7023 610 300 1M2 611100 2500 26150 4350 12953 3000 3'28 5000 275 360 00 5500 3500 1000 800 12S 3600 960 335 22500 20000 3030 153C 1200 9500 1150 H75 71G 1000 6250 2033 1653 33 7500 7753 900 3200 92 98 200 200 z20 630 20) OaO 145 $35 123' 124 1 25 121 Monoay a 1 965 XI965 132 I33V2 133 132 COMMODITY UTURES INDEX Monday 136 3 rules 220 2C) 203 250 740 12 231 9 245 430) 27600 500 500 4660 400 505 4400 11600 00100 1600 42)5 3X0 1450 1CO0 23500 2700 1200 500 12200 4000 3000 10200 1000 500 1 (A 100 271 4200 11200 2652 425 1100 3 OSO 38 tit IS 17 310 20 17 47 10 Consumers Gas declared dividend of 12 cents on common shares It prei ously paid 10 cents quart erly 49 35 6 450 8609 $106 2420 $39 25 $97 WW 1 139) 5975 200 100 405 10 $103 re 47 7 8 17 55 13 36 260 475 5 22 18 20 2034 91 104 Vi ago hlqh low Ud until 65 37) 15 16 270 16 15 18 24 323 2" 2 6 $10 $13 $49 $36 $5 125 7 a 29 391 22 22 103 19 50 MNES AND 61) IGO 529569 503353 371065 155088 $30 30 19 19 15306 11816 161 8 1431 160 162 161 1 51 152 154 Acad Urao Accra Aqnlco Akaifcho All Pitch Am Larder AAm Moly Ang Ruyn Ansll Area Aron Armcre A Arcadia A Arcd Bw Argosy Atl Cop Atlas Yk Aunor 161 163 162 152 153 HaM Masfceo Marcui Moo jI Mtxrfsn Mdiher 23 53 49 6 27Vi 6 2 95 295 295 tRona'd dRotnman JQ Royai Bnk 200 91 $13 $22 $86 L9A 8144a 14 $18 71 205 $61 $16 17 SO $12 claim received thia 25th day of November 1995 JOSEPH POPIK Executor by hf Snhcitor RALPH KEYES 137 Wellington Stmt West Toronto Ontario 12 2 27 71 10 55 27 tn 2N 17 9 Sherrih ttj $82 $33 $PA $19 $42 $40 (ducts for two large chemical companies As Engineering Representative for Stone Webster he will be engaged in new business activities for the company 18 400 270 52 4 4 10 10 29 43 9 89 Larum Lcedi $37 $25 $16V4 $22 $16Ta $7 $5 90 105 IVA 20 22 34 46 $13 $15 $9 $22 114 $6 Delhi CLI Pet Will Char Com Cr S3 Lanc a Pe a 69 70 69 SI 13 38 480 265 270 II 42 Jacobus Jayc Exp Je'tx Joliet Jonsmith Jou'e Rta Joul Jowsey Karr Add Kelly Dsd Anacon Kirk Mln Kopan Lettuce: Ont leal doi 1 125 Ari: carton 24s 4 50 475 Leeks: Doz bundle 1 125 11 qt basket 90 1 Mujhroomij 5 lb carton white 2 225 5 lb carton 2 215 53 lb yellow 150 175 Span ish type 3 in and up 250 275 1 2x2 lb cello 150 170 1m3 lb ceiio 190 310 10 lb bag 3J 35 Parsley: 6 qt basket loose 60 75 Parsnips: 12x24 oi cello 170 180 bu 23 275 18 19 A A BC Sug BC Su Bet 6 1 Bint in Brook Bruck A Bruck Buull A Bull Burr A Cai 5 $101 Bfd A CCC St oil Coi A nd AA can ir Maach Mau A Sat Can A Lrl 63 Cuurt 1 Prfl 450 CP lp $52 CP 2p nd $6 nd $16' CGS 235 70 12'i 13 21 WESTERN GRAIN Cl Bayport Sample Wheat No 4 CW Oats No 1 eed OVs No 1 eed Barley No 2 eed Barley 17 20 10 560 545 135 385 4 Cop eiH iCop Man 292 400 $11 II 82 53 63 500 22 22 72 22 36) 40 135 230 $27 $105 106 $16 $3 113 $12 $8 Ind Ingersoll A ingia Inland Inland InbCty IBM IMC Int Nickel mt utn Intpr Dis Intpr Inf Stl Inv Grp A ITL nd Jamalc PS James Stl Jefferson Jeff Bw Jockey Kelly A Kelsey Co Kelvinatr 70 67 I 7Va 61 50 24' a 3 99500 303300 East Ch Tr Eddy Mtch Emco Emp Life Exquisite Exqulte pr Exqut Aw 5 aicon am Play anny ed arm ittings ittings A' 14 14 181 181 7 7 JJ 22 124 124 125 1254k 1 26 126 360 760 50 8 50 25 25 2354 101 495 78 59 68 22 KLi 380 56 12 13 18 58) 7 300 Indust Rads 9768 9855 8734 S7 $10 $85 $75 155 $12 250 '2 4 4 Sturdy Sulllco Sunbear Tara Tinex Cobalt Ur Ridge Unaava IVViking 75 Waco Osu "la Lu: VAXCOO ER Trading in the stock of Columbia River Mines was halted by the BC Securities Com mission Monday when the unlisted issue rocketed to almost a share Less than a month ago it was selling in the a share range PREERRED STOCK OIVOENO NO 71 if licocqv rxuilt 13 HLnfcu I vnun HUI dwidend of $1OC per shore beu3 estate of Paul Popik Abet Atonic Adnce Acop Atexndr Ama KrK 3 Arctic Augdm AtSnodriff 6 St Mary 7lStump 3 20 270 55 10 $5 I 60 148 169 4 363 25 4 TIn 5p I Ar Trc nd Tru Wai 425 Inbl Ap $14 tu 1 Un A lp $44 UnA ClU Caa $53 UGas Cp A $30 12 22 225 52 6 60 50 24 12 75 26 55 59V2 62 12 20 6 66 6 11 63 66 38 $17 $40 M7 $5 $10 4 $43 $96 $112 $58 $H153 23 50 2450 good 2250 2350 medium 19 22 common 12 18 choice fed yearlings 24 26 with sales Io 27 good 72 24 cows 14 1450 with sales to 15 medium 1250 1350 Cah ners and cutte 8 12 qood heavy boh ogna bulls 18 185G with sales to 19 common and medium light 14 17 Replacement cattle 850: good light ttoskers 23 25 good steer stock calves: 26 27 medium and common 16 72 Calves 133: choke vealers 33 with sales 3750 good 30 3) medium 26 30 common 22 23 boners 1420 grade A tt Toronto 3940 4070 currently selling at 4070 heavy SOWS 2950 staqs ld Io 2280 boars I so'd liveweight al 1825 i Sheep and lambs 253: good lambs 23 I 2450 with 'aies to 25 sheep 3 9 accord ing to quality 48 36 13 250 11 4 61 15 25 433 470 300 5288 100 250 10 45 51 Conwell 27 4 $4 COD Corp 271 Rllte Russel STL Ce STL STL Crp Sayvet Scot Scyth Select Selk A Arts Shuiiy Sllknlt Silknit Sllwd Sllwd Slate Slate Smvll St Brock $83 i Stbg Ster Tr Stu Stesl Stest Tmbln Tmbln Tancrd TAKE iot 961 A Ontario jD EWona JCheuir JwK0 217 388 795 394 The election of Roy raser Elliott QCB Cumm MBA (Harvard) to the Board of Directors of The Mercantile 495 S28 $60 $70 $22 $19 380 $57 $12 MONTREAL Indust Ralls Util 16075 1740 1518 1 10 1J9 70 55 $3514 35 rz 5'4 490 $5 Border Cham Crawford Ont Sands Cdn Gas wls Credit A Crown LHe Insurance District Trust Entarea Inv Management Excelsior L'ft idelity Mlge ederal Savings and Loan Gill Inter Lines Goderich Elevator Great Cdn Oil Sands Hamilton Trust Harvey's Com Halton and Peel Trust Income sxblllfy com Income Oiiablllly wls Income Life vt income Lite wls Industrial Life Industrial Mlge Jenkins Bros Lincoln Trust i London Life I Metropolitan Trust iMlndustrlal Corp Monarch Lift Motorcade Northland Trust Northwest Life PacHle Gas Trani 21 75 92 26 14) 14 16 7 4AI 320 235 180 92 205 104 $19 19 19 22 75 803 1 Mar JutAug 21 2OC I0W 10 23 70 2 27 6 lAUa 214 21 CcwkR 14 35 27 27 45 43 GL Peptr GL pq rr GL Pow GN Cao GW Coal A West Great Wst Gr Wpg Greyhnd Hardee Hard Carp Hard CrpA Hawker Hayes Stl Horne Pt Home A Home 8 Hur Erie husky Husky 8gr Husky Dw HBC HB Oil Imbrex Imp Imp Imp Imp Ind 450 I PembinaPow Cerp Pow Crp Gian Gr MS Greenberg Imbrex Inf Atl Dev Int Ceram 12000 Inf nrnrifl 2T42O James BUAY IIAMILTOX A concilia tion board has been ordered to deal with a dispute be tween the United Gas Co here and its workers Ontar io Labor Minister Leslie Rountree told the union jesterday The employees are members of the Oil Chemical and Atomic Work ers International Union which has had 20(1 workers on strike since the start of November at two plants of United's parent company Union Gas j1 29S1 2R5U 4 i nv vn 12M lX'4 lJC'i strong ana nugs rere niyner Slaughter cattle choke steers! 2QU JI 25 6)0 610 INDUSTRIAL CAdrt Brews i a Montreal Stack Exchange Selected list of Monday tra ac tions Quotations in cams unless marked Odd lol xd Ex Ex rlghts xw Ex warrants Nat change If from previous board lot clcs Ing 'Dec' Jan A spokes man for striking oiiworkcrs raid the union uill extend its strike against British American and Imperial Oil to other companies if new contracts are not signed by Dec 7 JS'egctiations to work out detailed agreements based on a BC government formula begin this week 5 5 133 23 36 36 1 246 248 4 1 $6 $61 $50 $24 $12 $75 $26 420 41Q 10 24 8 8 23 10 ago 801 ear 4X1965 2 10 443 11 II 118 L19 118 11 8 L22 I 23 122 122L 124 125 126 IN THE MATTER THE CHANCE NAME ACT RSO I960 NOTICE that Leo Purllese College Street Toronto fn tha Countv of York dgifvJ Ont Steal loshaa A Overlap Overlnd pr jPac Pet $30 Ira sio i I1! 105 53 205 745 38 255 212 265 92 283 25 169 $20 19 $10 10v 83 145 102 $16 16 123 118 $23 193 $16 $32 32 330 330 $714 7 7 280 280 280 $10 VO $47 $30 150 190 i 16 16 17 19 19 57 147 169360 I 21 25 250 12 8 10 21 47 $iot 40 83 180 22 26 22 2) $25 $33 34 $80 $8 120 147 300 95 4 15 10 13 37 1 18 52 4 730 iVen Pow (iVenPw 25 si By Order tf thr Bpord BOYCE Secretary Montreal Quebec November 23 1965 BTANDARD A POORS Util 75 99 7813 7209 50 $119 122 $11 $10 10 $101 104 15 15 $320 319 $100 $97 350 $5 435 32) A $8 S501 $10 $8 $8 $19 TORONTO BXCHANGB INDICES Oils 10233 104 20 9539 11473 9234 Stock Sales Ang CP 4 500 Ang pr 290 35 259 5560 2OC 2 400 100 200 4515 95 105 600 310 21 12 47 10 88 204 131 225 $23 23 23 3MXJ 7500 16A SCO 3491 4000 1000 73S 344 740 1366 2000 217 $11 4000 Z10 213 4S50 17 150 310 4'500 1COO 610 3000 52800 8200 2900 1961 500 3500 400 000 ic trie I 1965 poyoNa Jonuar 20'befo December 15 1963 After lAoreUden rexd Rt the the bunw on December with regard only to the 2 S4' 2584 259'l 241 24! 241 2 62h 1 57H 54'4 2S1H 2 avoided all the issues of cri i a 1 importance says Nicks He objects to the provision that would re strict banks to 10 per cent of the ownership of other companies and he opposes the continuation of the six per cent ceiling on interest banks are allowed to charge for loans (Hearings on the amend ing bill to the were not held election A new introduced when resumes) Nicks sees ment of some economy in costs production and inter est rates policy recently has come to have a distinctly restraining However economy shows hopeful signs of gearing down to an ap propriate sustainable pace without unwanted disrup tion for Canadian business in the coming year are most 3 4 4 3 i Provo GM TSlanger 280i Scurry Rn i4 Spooner NOTICE TO CREDITORS All parsons bavin? claim arafnst the estate of MARY ELIZABETH DEEGAN retired late of the City of Toronto who died on or about the 5th day of September 1965 are required tp send in particulars of mm'r tH undersigned not laler than the lth day of December 1965 after which date the estate will be divided regard being had only to tho claims of which they shall have then had notice DATED the 23rd day of Novem ber 1W WILLIAM DEEGAN GERTRUDE O'DONNELL executors by their Solicitor CLARK 0 King Street West Suite 1108 Toronto 1 550 $20 905 $31 05 I 19 210 245 25 zuu 220 400 2109 810 7327 107 1000 120 635 125) 1606 1055 369 2320 I22L 16) 110 480 100 III $279 1453 1715 X16 230 241 700 2100 1650 215 $187( 225 $18 $567 120 2469 630 100 1157 2303 11120 300 300 200 1035 360 900 230 200 Lunecno Magom Uanech Varlnr Marxty Mate McCualg McVit Mle RL Mlrabo Molv Monch Mt Keno Murky Murmac Na sco Mai New ar tnsco Lone Mtt Patcf Rewd Wace Niplron Ngrque Nkel Oceanic Oiymp Orofino Parquiet Pelangio ere Pitch Pkkring Quejo Rand Mat Raytib Radeon Recstn Ren2y Richgap Rob Ru 1 Rugged Russet Sheld Sheldon iSllv Bel I Pack 8 Man Srrmac Siaden 1 $18 583 $7 300 $8 $5 $45 4 $68 $8 $29 $22 $70 5 5 10 20 5 25 567 71 99 30 175 85 2 mp OU 'Equity Ex 2AB ano nntena Reliance TW jl fox Lake I rlqH'rs 3 uturity iGarnev Ghlslau in 4 HA I I 33 38 TORONTO Nov 29 quotations PIjnt on unlisted Industrie's supplied McDonnell Aaams ano tomoany Bin 700 9981 9948 9815 9875 100 9350 96 99 Guaranteed I Sussmtn Com 84 00 8500 Sussman 95M 97 5fti i Dmu mv On VA Auo IS I MS Ont SH Aor IS 41 85 554'11 Ort 1 Apr 1 IJ48 70 S' July 15 JSl''Ont 5 Apr 1 74 77 I 41' On 5'4 1 81 45 57'NJ 4W Ok 1 75 77 7511 Out SU Oct IS LONDON ccs at the London plant of Bell 1 owned Northern Electric Co will vote Dec on whether to affiliate their association with the Canadian Labor Congress Some 6000 asso ciation members in Mont real mid 500 in Belleville also are to vote on the affi liation question Dividends JAMAICA PUBLIC SlIRVICE LTD Com lie pay Jan 3 rec Dec 8 Dec 6 Tax 18 CONSUMER'S 21 11 Oats Dec May Jiy tarley Dec May Jlv lax Vx May The federal government should hurry to tighten rules governing the opera tions of financial non banks says banker William Nicks Such firms are often called near banks Mr Nicks president of the Bank of Nova Scotia says inadequate safeguards which apply to financial in stitutions other than banks were demonstrated this past an ap parent reference to the col lapse of Atlantic Accept ance Corp and the troubles of British Mortgage and Trust Co At the same time Nicks wants to see the ex tensive govern ing banks made more flexi ble to allow banks dom and capability to adapt He says some rules which apply to banks were intro duced for reasons which are no longer relevant has resulted in the mainte nance of some restrictions that are clearly contrary to the public interest remarks are in cluded in the Dank of Neva Scotia annual report to shareholders The bank last week reported record prof its for the year ended Oct 31 1965 A bill to amend the Bank act introduced in May 4 Iwshift A 1 Cn Dalr Dal El ab ab dr GIs Lima DLM Mag Scot Domlr Tx I Dover Dover Eagle 5 Ec Inv Ec In A Eddy Erie A rit a rbnk $7 ed Gr ibre ibre iTe st Na lee! woM ord US $61 wipe rem Dev ruh Dev Dyn Gp Dr Gp Dr A GPM A GPM G5W GStf Gr W' Gdy Me A washed 2 725 Me Pepperii Texa green carton 6 6 501 Gttn A GN Guar He 'aid min occurred ner OILS Nihld 230 jN'umi 74 300 I 450 245 I WOLSBURG West Ger many (AH) Volkswagen Europe's largest automobile manufacturer said its 1965 sales will hit a record $2500 million This would be $300 million more than last total Heinz Nordhoff president of the compnay warned that profits will not match year ago levels and that any further increase In costs will mean a hike in car prices OR LEASE 50000 SQ DUERtN ECLINTON New on storey building of poiklng very rcosonoble rote for suitable tenant will divide MR WATERS MANN MARTEL REALTOR 4 20 Kodiak iLaduboro 5 Louxnna 9m Hqrnae jAAiMval Match Melchers Mer Chip Mvrlll Mldepsa Mln Mistang Monnre i Mt CosHqan 41VU Ontario in me uouniy uwiH apply to the presiding Judge Chambers al City Halt Toronto ton Monday the 20th day of Decem ber 1965 al the hour of ten o'clock tn the forenoon to change his nn ne lo Leo Placey and the name of nis wife Bella Pugliese to Bella iPlacey and the name of his daugh ter renoua rugiiefe io nnvua Placev i DATED at Toronto the 15th day November lubo SCHWARTZ AND JACOBSON Suite 222 3039 Bathurat Street Toronto 1U Ontario Solicitors tor the Applicant 300 300 108 24 45 310 19 435 IS $8 11 44 4 $44 53 $5 Hahn lp 25 Cot 1 rt Cot Hne Hand A Hrde Hw Hend HDch 371 650 too 1027 130 Z53 45 2500 250 125 11C0 6410 1970 1550 500 200 25 800 4300 2)0 1668 300 200 309 Z50 950 1800 1060 200 425 100 400 100 3320 2500 480 6395 $22 175 $18 1 IUU 950 340 50 50 $104 104 324 $11 11 200 $9 9 430 $24'fl 24 200 $6 160 $23 23 10 Dufauit 5 Lyn 3VQ 45 410 1 1 iBankeno 18 fl' Backfield 101 48 4A 11 $19 19 19 440 440 443 $12 19 19 Z3'4 li 615 $12 12 12 490 435 490 240 243 5JO $29 29 Heath IS 9 14 895 10 75 $101 145 $46: 50 4JU $99 $43 $9 $83 $11 $46 $6 APafl Peru Oil 195 230 J5 I 4 5 1 6 19405 455 1000 7C OJJV A Pt 012301 2JJU Town Elxd725 1600 7000 4501 4500 4090 375 360 5 75 3600 TORONTO (CP Nov 29 qyotltjns bn unhsUu rnin fl supplied by Broke' Dea ers Association af i vnrafio: ltd 5 49 6 12 22 225 52 12 4 19 15 RASER Coram MUA (Harvard) 150 548 z5 $36 36 500 $13 13 130 $254 250 8)1 $12 12 12 250 $10 10 10 O7D jDO 1048 $108'1 1C7 J5 31 500 100 150 $18 Net High Low Close Ch'ge $53 $49 $6 $27 $7 $9 $32 $32i $34 Mr Elliott Is a Senior Partner in the legal firm of Stikeman Elliott Tamakl Mercier Turner of Montreal aad i member of the Par of Quebec and OntariofHe is Chairrdan oJ the Board of CAE Industries Ltd President nf Great Lakes Investment Co Limited and a Director of a number of other companies in Canada 21 2 75 10 IO' 3SM Tr reeze fi 7 (rnjrnrre Pat SHvr 7S2no Peace Rvr riPnnbeeMr Pitt Gold 1 pc' cuo tn oo Oue Cnbt Oue nd que iPh 51 io Queenston 19 Rancher1 Rexspar NEW YORK AVfRAGl (Dew Indust Rails Util 94693 24196 154 21 96165 442 16337 85140 18874 1509) Eggs butter Whc iiale to retell carton eggs Nov29 A isrge 646 A medium 599 A I smalt 470 Butter price Agricultural Stabiliza tion Board lenderabfe carlots buying 43 score 55 buying 39 score 54 sell ling $5 Churning cream: Special trade deliv ered Toronto 6 first cade ontruck 63 cents first groat delivered Toronto 66 cents Toronto closing active stocks Against of the the rote of 4 fi per annum has today City of Toronto who died an or omh declared on the 4 Cumulate 'about July 1 are hereby Preferred Stock Of Texaco Conoda notified to oend particulars of United fcr the quort eodng DS )m TS? 1966 ot 1965 MONTREAL (CP) change rates: (compiled of Montreal) Austria (schiBlna) 418 Belgium (franc) 217 cents Britain (pound) 302 centsCzechoslovakia (crcwn) 1511 cents luti nafp tru ix cj lciii IPranfA Hrnrl 52 02 fnt (Gently (mark) 2697 cents Hollahii (guilder) 2995 cents Italy Ira) 1731 of a cent Mexico peso) cents Norway (kror el 15 1 1 tents Sweden (kronerl 2W cents Switzerland (franc) 24 98 cents US (collar) 1w7 cents 'neiuela (bollvi te) 94W cents 12 26 21 35 15 217 a 460 17 195 nul Tradina was active at steady frkes 11057 Im hae Each omnlnvpH iso 300 jtpr all classes and grades of $9 nvjcattie at the Ontario public stockyards in the sales and marketing Jw" Veacaif and lamb prices wereiOf industrial chemical piO is uem vlc Delhi 4 Vj I Ex Gas 13 High Cr Homesld Ccn SupO Vz Cent Del 1 EastCr vy Wesl Vt 17 16' 2 20 10 575 59) 135 395 37 36 74 244 235 23 19 19 1 600 590 595 520 510 510 17 17 27 I COLUMBUS I HEALTH CLUBS 131 BLOOR 925 6383 qlJWr 10 105 I 47 4 33 57 23 35 26 4 Aug 8 (Sep Get Soybean meat 630 61 95 45 634) 6340 6250 Giant Yk Glacier Gienn Exp Gold ra Goldrjm Gortd Granby vt a i ns IGrandue JGrandroy Gunnar Hastings Headway NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS $37 $18 $136 $105 $100 102'Magna 96 Mon $98 iMLM $88 McB 96 McCaa 9 MLP 23 LP 29MG MPG Inv Iw 185 $74 $1611 LVontx Mre A 3696 M' i 10: $15 13 960 $14 I4i $25 70 150 $22 vs St Radio VO" A i Stuart Nse Stuart iSLDtest rm am iLalin AM Leitch iiLlberlan Lorodo Louviicrt Macassa Macdon MacLeod Madsen Malartic Monday Nev 9 fMjisgn 9 in cf unless marM Mon oods Ne change from irevtous ooart iof Mentex pr ohfl Cod tab 1 Montea JM Net Mont Loco ttock Sates High Lo Ch'ge ont Trst vocre Nt Contain Nat Drug Groc pr Seen NprantfS NO NGas NONGas Nor Nor Pnone 3101 Eethurst Street Toron RU 9 1291 "Term (njuronce a Specialty Since 1949 SjMan Bar Manok Maiach Maattgmi Maybrun Cc Inlyre Me Adam McKen McWat Menlor Merrill Midrlm Min Ore Mt Wright Multi Nat Expl Neaion New Ath New Cal Newcon Nconex Go'dvue Harrl Hosco New Jason Kelore Newlund Mvlama Newnor 4t Senator I New Taku Nick Rim Nisto 5 Norbeau iNorgold n'Norlartic I Norlex i kl A I I iReicbnid i Revenue pr Nooweu Rn ixnrt A 68 Rcmleld ZZH 383 36 12 I) 18 M7i15sn CoApr a St Maurke 3ftj' tSaiada 7 ulj51 Pf 5 1' Secur Cap 45 2 even Arts 68 jShol Can gto 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Webster Canada Limited is announced by GordonS Currie Development Mana ger Mr Kerr a native of Glasgow Scotland is a tech nical chemistry graduate of 'the University of Strathclyde ISince coining to Canada in 120 3 eb 123 rnfly It I TOO 12S Uto Jan 15 1968 120 5 July I 19 15 Oct 1 1969 1 1972 70 5 Oct 1973 69 5 Oct 1 1975 67to Government of Canada CNR 2to Jan 2 1967 4 eb 1981 118 INTERNATIONAL 122 3 June 1 1569 124 5 Mar 15 1990 124 126 Ml 4 4 5 i 2 $17 17 $11 11 $6 lac Un Man a I rfVV 4OJ 4QW fl 215 $28 28 28 143 245 Z40 1100 500 100 325 225 150 25) 375 2490 2)5 400 $J3 50 17)0 K5 BASE Met 6 3 20 iB JacKpo! 2 Haura i ii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiisiiiiuiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiniiihiHiiiiiiiii IS01 jBrocmc 'Bratnm 4 Bright 18 9 JSiVan Dr i Vanguard 1 I Wiscon E3 Western 43 85 6210 62 56 6230 63 40 61 6275 17 9 74X4 895 13 39 39 475 475 14 14 18 II 25 25 4V 9600 9963 9335 9750 'J74? Scott Mliener com I Seaboard L1fq Sharpe Instrument Units ireaomsn tna Prevt lna I 1 TORONTO (CP) Bond changes t597V'onaey nov 2 were: 162 Bld 1601 CORPORATION Oils 5 1984 117 50 Tr Canada 5 Jun 1 14350 uuvKwnnfleri! 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No 2 CE Wheat 177 no i oars N6 2 CE Rye No 1 eed Baley iCro gml iCroinor Oatrlno 10 iDAragcn 104 ii Deer Horn 495 25 O' Ida $11 $26 TO 20 20 Sigma 14 151 4 3 sif Eureka I la Sllvr Ren Sllvr Smt Sllvrr Dufauit Socena Soarfan ba Sa rs Expl SSO Std Gold 16M Supe pack 1200 Ta5he 180 desman 25ro The eon suiting engineer said Pyra mid Mining has struck grade" lead and zine ore at the first hole put down to investigate a sec ond anomaly at the com pany's property in the Pine Point area of the N'orthuest eralization 37 feet 2 93! Bang PCfrniBrHco 139 Cl Pow 138 Marconi Donohue Dupins A VW output setting record East Sull to 175 Mar 133 Grenada rrcpur Exptft less Ptrron pick crow Psn Poin Piacer Pore Par Pow Rov Preston Probe ZA 5 QM 2 Out Chib Que Gue Man 2iQ Magml 1 Que Sturg lOuemont inn a Radiore Raglan Rayrocka i a AlnAm fU Bto 4 i Norlex oi £ii2i Normetal IN Amencn xo IN Bordu fN Ran Tn jNortncal North Exp Northgat Nors? A 5 Obaska iO'Lmry JOpemska lOliSKO Pamour 1 Paramaq PGtino 975 Vn 1765 10 450 1500 1000 17OA1 2200 ur 800 38500 41000 35 00 4 000 380 41Qi 11000 115 00 50 1225 1150 14 75 1150 1700 35 1525 1502005 1275 4900 1650 8500 8600 1700 5 00 1150 277 277 2 I 63 2 R'1 2 55 2 $300 $261a $129 136 $lPi 12 $23 $S8 $110'8 117 $16 17 1 $31 35 $103'4 460 5 $5 $98 ir Tower' I 6 10 Mi iC 1 rflom jOcesn Cm mp 60 Oshawa A 4D 224 PMC 183 I 50 12 5 Mto 50 4 Price Bros 251a to QN Gas 25'4 4 to QN G6Jw 9nL'X 'DihteM 101 28 59 PreviGAS CO com 12c (increase of 2c) Close Series pref $137 Series $137 Series "C' pref $1 25 86 pr Jan 3' fcord Dec 15 D6 Dec 13 IOS tax I) to CHRISTMAS GIT 3 1314 OR HUSBAND WIE AND YOU The ULL Stole of Your Health! Short or tang term cowries ore available for reducing fitness steam bath massage facials etc AClnd i Att Nat Atg lAigon Al 2 4 lAng An CPpnlh Ck An Jims Asn 1 sra As A $103 ASA i Ashd A Aahd Barb Brotna Eartac Bath A Bath i Bay Mis Bav a Beaty $11 Lum $36 8 Un A $18 Lmp Bit $8 3Ht $13 Bow 580 Bowa? Bow Bowes Braz Bright tai BC 17 21 21 71 4 41S 410 41V 18 18 18 16 16 50 195 725 36 255 208 265 92 272 25 168 CALGARY Dynamic Power Corp of Calgary has the financing to proceed with construction of a heasy water plant at Estes an Sask president rank Brown said Monday He said the decision on whether Dynamic is to go ahead with th? project nnw rest it ii Atomic Energy tf Can ada Bare Br Reef roi Radish: la cello 33s 175 190 Calli'carib ww4 bunched 110 115 Ccnigo Rapine: Used box loose 385 qhi Spinach: Texes cello 12x10 oz 145 2 Red Squash: Hutooard bu hamper 2 2 25 oM pppr 2 225 Bufernut 275 3 rourv Tomatoes: Hothouse 8 lb ca'lon pink Am 275 3 10 lb caton 3 25 350 10x14 oz ctllo 3 325 CaiU flat 20 lb 6 6501 4) lb canon 6x7 950 10 'Haitnr Turnips: Bu washed bl 25 waxed Orf S' 1UA Hasaga am Jburk Ki em Irk Labdor I Head Shor 178 Lang is 16 '4 17 I 19 25 27 with sales to 28 good 25 26 $18j medium 2224 50 common 15 21 choice $l' ROY QCm Dev Pai Dome Pele Dynamic argo rench PI Gr Plains Gridoil Ml aeon Mill city Murphy ron Davies NC Oils WslNCO pr Numac IPermo Peruv Oil Petrol Place 9i00 Law ld 400 132? 13175 Lucta EX 2 26500 28500 ft on Sapawe 850 IOOO' eueCtnLn 700 1650 1725 Brliund iB McD Can er Casfrlbr Castle 1 iCenf HIM Chance jChehew3 Cm Pore 4 Clinger IColumb A JCct PL 1 Col leen 5 CMl Con Cep Con Dur Con Shun Harp iC Panth 64 16 24 158 235 12 87 8 jN Aut Vend Ask Imoerial 7 501 'itii 1 Nocana NA Raro 11' North Expl nA' NW rnltk 370 ft pern xnl 6 25iRusty Lake ISGO 4000 Gldle Hv Hyd $20to I MS $13 I A sir CGOL pr $13to CIL Cwn 5 $20 Writ CW Prp 430 Cap Bdg 65 Carib 185 Gal $12 Chm 1 enm 15 Coc Co A Coll Col! Conduit Bak Bld Bld Cop Cl Corb Coron Coron Coro 2w Coro 120 Cosmo Craig Cr Tr ni RW 10 Dalex $95Vi 100 LMJ HdV Delta Del Bp Dltna DAI REUBEN SCHAER tu Agancy Manager I Soybeans Man 7 55to 7 Alta 2 61 2 62 2 57 3 58 $1 252 soybean oil 105 1029 1000 990 9 80 9 67 9 52 928 68 2 76 23 2711 2lVa 21 470 4 15 15 Vs 15 4 14' 2 14 14' 3 II ISlIvrflds Silvmeq 38 xii Min zi'i iv i 195 IV? 203 205 10 101 2714 Rye 6 Dec rVt U'May 9to Jlv 32 i Rapeseed JZ W4 I NOV 34 I Jan $24 $54 $91 92 $26 78to 4) 49 17 14 ioto 9 9 13 4 8 20 525 191i 27 75 11 to 48 30 red 550 6 mixed canton 425 4 50 1 Pears: Anjou bu 4 50 5 Bose bu 6 i 610 Potatoes: Ont 75 lb bag 2 15 2 25 10 lb bag 38 40 bu hamper open 1 35 L40 50 lb bag 1 45 1 55 10x5 lb washed cello 250 275 I 10 lb bag 42 4S 75 lb 275 29) M) lb beg 185 2 N0 75 lb 250 2 60 50 ib bag 165 175 10 lb 40 43 268 2 68 3 60 1 al 250 250 24 2 46 58 56 62 1 7 $5 $5 I216 $5 I KIu Cp 63 irXu cp 34 vanad PriAl 11 Virrov 16V Oar 410 Vulcan 275 45 1VU Pn Sup A $10'a 104a 'Wfair I5 IVfalr Alx 75 Kn IZto'Zell 4 A leu 2 Arrg Bell 1000 Ameran 11000 t1 1 1 oana vi rb 10b 10 1 Dennon H3to 13 13 UAX xfcj 1100 265 2 70 10 Donal 445 $39 38 3ft to Duraire 2208 $13 13 uwert TOO 700 700 700 I 25 $27 27 27 sc 100 $21 100 200 too no 1600 183 600 $13 720 $23 1997 $7Qto 1 Tex Sol I Thom 10 Tombill 2 i Tormont Towaq Trlbag Trin Chib Tundra Mining Asbestos Buffaan UCL Mine Un Kano Un Madia Utd Pore linn Can lOi Urban Vespar 3 Violam wasrrac West Mine White Star Wilco Willroy Winch Windfall Win Eld Yale Lead Yk Bear Yukeno Zenmac Zulapa Coiivrette A 275 Bridge JI Hl 4 9: Explorer 32 34 II lb 450 360 275 190 15 vu 51 19 IS 12 79 of Canada lx announced 83 145 1At 16V Vi Oilcloth 118 4 Drum Wld 290 20 DuMont 40) 5 vtnture 11 82 53 62 5M 1 2 360 40 135 a I sJm 1'1 i Jt I I A fl! 7 7 I 1 25 1 AWfl 31 Ain HeJUnma £9 changes 6 20 4 45 27 27 Vs 70000 18 9 9523 34 3) 33 53100 31 25 28 SC 00 18 16 17 90283 10 10 10 9450 97 93 97 2499 53 53 53 6830 100 780 7TO 4300 50 50 50 3150 290 28? 285 236 7 77 28500 22 21 21 2075 $1334 13to 13 1000 1 26 26 4COO 13 13 13 2545 $16 15 16 2200 9 9 9 8650 685 60O 665 100 $18to 18'4 100 135 135 135 18200 34 32 34 520 255 255 255 12300 36 33 36 1000 9 4 90 90 4900 210 206 208 61 61 61 2500 17 16 17 530 12 12 100 258 250 250 3500 7 6 6 1000 64 64 64 9000 10 10 10 1814 $1731 17 17 16968 26 23 25Vz 345 $92 91 91 4300 96 94 95 2000 8 8 8 17000 34 32 34 1500 44 44 44 6250 63 59 59 222 X) 40 30 35 1285 8 8 8Va 2000 38 37 38 129000 113 85 90 4090 13 12 12Vt 2500 10 10 10 45C0 28 26 27 3090 80 78 78 4025 840 790 830 20740 410 390 410 11000 6 6 6 3000 8'i 8 6130 293 280 280 9500 7 7 7' 500 9 99 8500 18 18 18 49600 30 27Vj 28 16500 11 10 10 22780 17 16 17 Z350 34 34 34 2100 15 15 15 22000 16 14 14 6700 152 147 150 90500 18 17 17 4550 7 6 6 18000 16 15 15 Z3 425 425 425 48580 17 15 15 2000 60 58 58 50C0 11 II Z250 26 26 26 4000 26 26 26 Z200 80 80 80 1970 795 780 785 z30 38 38 38 7000 13 155088 116 105 115 2000 ft 8 8 5025 915 900 900 31600 45 43 43 2400 175 171 175 1 00 290 290 20 2031 IO 10 7000 151 145 145 19533 21 22 3000 25 25 25 1600 350 340 340 490 1 56 1 56 1 56 1325 500 495 495 42200 44 38 38 378065 52 35 39 10000 183 178 182 Z15 $99 99 99 Z50 $19 19 19 600 $16 16 16 100 $11 1) II 2675 $I4 14' a 435 $56 55 55 2 75U $5 5 5 100 2(J 25U 25U 5 3UU Sato 5' 160 14 14 luv la 16 16 to' 365 $7 7 7 to 245 $4j 2jto to 500 250 250 250 z9uU SZ9 49 4V to 281 $J0 38 38to 682 SI4 )4 1 15 $104 104 1U4 to lU $104 104 104 13 13 30 30 4 4 31 27 5 5 6 6 24 23 320 320 20 2 6 6 28 75 20 20 350 350 330 330 275 275 11 11 9 750 745 )ftl 15 21 18 130 125 1 5 1'' 70 70 2 4 40 35 82 82 $7 7 68 65 25 24 Ji'S ptr 1 $9 9 40 23 22 $11 8 8 82 79 18 18 7 7 3 3 ti 21 19 34 IS 60 60 73 70 25 22 1 4 141 400 400 170 170 100 100 8 7 26 23 Corby vt 442 $21 21 21 Coronatn Juu 26j 26u 260 Coron 2 pr zto $3 5 Crain RL 245 $29 29 29? Crestbrk 7uu $5 3 Crow Nest 2UQ $15 15 15 Crush Ini 32u $14 14 14 Cygnus A 14J 410 410 410 Cytus 30j $6 6 Cygnus pr 575 $21 21 21 Ds beag 3035 $47 36 36 Bridge 98 $29 29 29 Oom hiect zbj 14 14'e Dotasco 4447 26to 2 Dorn Uiass lout) $15 toto 15'4 Scot pr z5 $48to 4Sto 48 4 Dosco 4d5 $15 15 15 Dom Stere 930 25 25 Domtar 6U5 18 18 Dom Text 450 $33to 3Jto Du Pont 385 $44 42 42J4 1250 4 6000 19 500 475 i 2722 122 1 25CO 65 ZlOO 16 3000 25 6650 169 1 3500 240 2 12000 12 3686 91 200) 16700 25 620 17 Z400 4 12620 135C0 150 20:0 7 600 340 1100 30 500 1 2 1000 64 7000 25 521TO 11 ZUO 13 72CO 40 3000 31 1350 585 2000 7 1450 46 1500 315 4000 9 803 475 2690 $16Va 3000 23 95690 39 1000 3125 9 2000 17 7600 53187 7M 1 1600 112 4075 147 128 300 10300 96 4000 13 750 15 100 10 1030 13 18250 38 8C00 19 1900 $14 9875 100 503350 8500 17 20 37500 64 6300 152 63) 210 1100 370 1C00 21 10800 26 2500 130) 77 900 39 6375 9 1C00 14 10500 9 2000 25 ord Cda 185 $158 157 157 PE Pn pr 90 $69 69 69 rae 200 $28 28 2ft nl Acept 125 $5 5 5 Gen Bak 100 $8 8 8 GMC 110 110' Globe A 300 10 10 10 Goody )r 50 $216 216 216 Baha 4 a 200 290 290 290 1100 $5 5 5600 305 295 300 3500 50 50 50 16500 31' 79 99 1 700 123 U0 120 5 6276 340 320 34h 3000 35 35 35 2I6H5O 28 23 3 4500 13 13 2500 9 9 7 8685 75 45k 70 30 150 $91 91 91 2 5816 350 335 5030 18 IB 18 2C0 650 630 650 lOOO 140 138 HO 2038 370 360 365 450 90 185 1 90 I.

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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Author information

Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.