How Did Students And Other Young People Energize The Civil Rights Movement In The 1960s? (2024)

History High School


Answer 1

Based on a historical perspective, the students and other young people energize the civil rights movement in the 1960s through Activism.

What is the Civil Rights movement?

Civil Rights Movement is a term that is used to describe the nonviolent social movement and campaign from 1954 to 1968 in the United States to eliminate legalized racial segregation, prejudice, and disenfranchisem*nt throughout the United States.

Generally, during the civil rights movement in the 1960s, the students and young people became a significant impetus through activism which comprise school integration, lunch counter sit-ins, freedom and impressions, and voting rights rallies.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is Activism.

Learn more about the Civil Rights Movement here:


Answer 2


Based on a historical perspective, the students and other young people energize the civil rights movement in the 1960s through Activism.

What is the Civil Rights movement?

Civil Rights Movement is a term that is used to describe the nonviolent social movement and campaign from 1954 to 1968 in the United States to abolish legalized racial segregation, discrimination, and disenfranchisem*nt throughout the United States.

Generally, during the civil rights movement in the 1960s, the students and young people became a vital force through activism which include school integration, lunch counter sit-ins, freedom and ideas, and voting rights marches.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is Activism.

Learn more about the Civil Rights Movement here:


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1. Write a brief summary of the life in Soviet Russia for the Main Characters. Please give specific examples from the film?


Soviet Russia or USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) was a transcontinental single-party communist state was a union of fifteen national republics which got disintegrated in 1991, following the cold war (1945-91).

Soviet style was based on socialist economy, whereby production and distribution of goods were centralized and directed by the government. This model led Soviet economy to become relatively self-sufficient, which led to rise in per capita income, standard of living, level of technology, infrastructure, etc. Thus raising the living standards of common man of country.

During the arms race of the Cold War, the Soviet economy was burdened by military expenditures, heavily lobbied for by a powerful bureaucracy dependent on the arms industry and suffered great economic losses which eventually led to fall of USSR in 1991.

Good Bye Lenin! (2003), Meeting Gorbachev (2018), The Ladder (2021) are some of the famous films which revolves around the social and political life of common citizens in Soviet Russia.

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What was the role of the army in the February Revolution?



The February Revolution forced the abdication of the tsar in early March 1917.


The military was pushed into the authority job by the three-way stalemate between the tsar, the progressive powers, and the heads of the political resistance in the State Duma, the Russian parliament.

the observation that began the 19th and early 20th century fascination with mars as a place for life was:


The observation that began the 19th and early 20th century fascination with Mars as a place for life was the observations of Martian canals.

What were the observations of Martian canals?

The Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli made the first known observations of Canali on Mars. These observations began the late 19th and early 20th century fascination with Mars as a place for life. Schiaparelli's observations of "Canali" on Mars were the result of optical illusions caused by observing through low-quality telescopes, which were further influenced by the expectations of the observer.

Canali was mistranslated as canals, implying artificial construction. The idea of Martian canals was taken up by American astronomer Percival Lowell, who wrote extensively on the subject and established the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, to investigate the planet further. Lowell used the observation of canals as proof that intelligent life existed on Mars.

The observations of Martian canals resulted in a significant level of scientific and public interest in Mars, with some scientists speculating about the possibility of life on the planet.

These observations eventually led to the development of spacecraft and space missions to Mars to explore the possibility of life on the planet.

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Answer the 3 following questions:
1.) England set the pattern of a conscription to prepare their forces for future conflicts.

2.) America's efforts at military preparedness were considered to be warmongering actions.

3.) The United States followed an active policy of isolationism in the early 1900s.


1.) England set the pattern of a conscription to prepare their forces for future conflicts.


2.) America's efforts at military preparedness were considered to be warmongering actions.


3.) The United States followed an active policy of isolationism in the early 1900s.


How was the Amistad trial(s) an example of the increasing political sectionalism between the north and south.


The incident was crucial in the abolitionist movement's decision to abandon moral persuasion in favor of new forms of political and legal agitation that would mobilize a sizable portion of Northerners against the immoralities of slavery.

What impact did Amistad have on the Civil War?

The Amistad captives' independent decisions distinguished the case from past federal cases concerning slavery and drew the interest of a country that was becoming increasingly split by slavery issues and the sectarianism that would eventually result in the Civil War.

Why is the Amistad important and what was it about?

Off the shore of Long Island, New York, a U.S. brig came across the schooner Amistad in August 1839. A group of Africans who had been kidnapped and forcibly sold as slave laborers in Cuba were on board the Spanish ship. Afterwards, the African slaves rose up at sea, driving their masters from the Amistad.

To Know more about abolitionist


nations near the soviet union border that were under communism influence would be known as?


"Nations near the soviet union border that were under communism influence would be known as satellite nations." A satellite nation is an off-icially independent country th-at is heavily influenced or controlled by another country.

The Soviet satellite nations were Poland, Romania, Czecho-slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, East Germany, Yugoslavia, & Albania. In the West they were called satellites beca-use they clung closely to the Soviet Union like satellites rou-nd a planet. The satellites states th-at arose in the Eastern Bloc not only reproduced the com-mand economies of the Soviet Union, but also adopt-ed the brutal methods employed by Joseph Sta-lin and Soviet secret police to sup-press real and potential opposition.

To know more about satellite nations click below:


the shantytowns that homeless americans lived in were nicknamed . a. hoovervilles b. squatter towns c. poorhouses d. soup kitchens


The shantytowns that homeless Americans lived in were nicknamed Hoovervilles.

Hoovervilles were the name given to shantytowns that sprung up across the country during the Great Depression in the United States. These towns were named after the then-President Herbert Hoover, who was blamed by many for the economic downturn during the Great Depression.

The makeshift homes that were created in Hoovervilles were made up of cardboard, tin, scraps of wood, and whatever else the people who lived in the towns could find.

There was no running water, no sewage systems, and no electricity, which meant that the people living in Hoovervilles lived in squalid conditions. They were overcrowded, and disease was rampant.

During the Great Depression, people were facing the most significant economic downturn of the twentieth century. Thousands of people had lost their jobs and their homes, and they were forced to live in Hoovervilles.

Hoovervilles were named after President Herbert Hoover, who was blamed by many for the economic depression.

To learn more about shantytown, refer below:


1. What can you infer from the phrase, “from which he will learn how to get more of pleasure and of economic use from his car”?

2. What does this article tell you about changes in the cultural identity of the 1920s?


1. From the phrase, it can be inferred that the person mentioned is looking how to get more enjoyment and economic out of their car.

2. This article indicates that the 1920s were a period of significant cultural change.

What is economic?

Economic is the study of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. It is a broad field that encompasses microeconomics, which focuses on the decisions of individual consumers and businesses, and macroeconomics, which focuses on the overall economy and the larger forces that shape it. Economic analysis is used to make decisions about the allocation of resources, the pricing of goods and services, and the economic well-being of people.

With a growing emphasis on leisure activities and the use of automobiles for recreation and convenience. This shift in cultural identity can be seen in the increasing popularity of car clubs and the introduction of new leisure activities like motoring.

To learn more about economic


when making copies of ancient roman texts, carolingian scholars began to use a neat, uniform writing style called , the model for modern typography.


When making copies of ancient Roman texts, Carolingian scholars began to use a neat, uniform writing style called Caroline minuscule, the model for modern typography.

What are Roman texts?

Roman texts are texts that have been written in the Latin language, which was widely spoken in Rome and the Western Roman Empire. It was the dominant language for at least a thousand years, and it is still spoken today.

Carolingian scholars began to use a neat, uniform writing style called Caroline minuscule, which was modeled on ancient Roman texts and served as the foundation for modern typography.

What is the Carolingian minuscule?

Carolingian minuscule was a script used throughout the Carolingian Empire for writing Latin between the eighth and twelfth centuries. Carolingian minuscule was a clear and legible script that was designed to improve the readability of Latin texts.

It was a significant improvement over the script used in older Roman texts. Carolingian minuscule eventually became the basis for modern typography and the Latin script used in most Western languages.

To learn more about carolingian, refer below:


Which of these best illustrates that resistance existed in regards to the idea of school desegregation after the Supreme Court's decision in Brown v. Board of Education?
The court case of Plessy v. Ferguson overturned the Supreme Court's initial decision in Brown v. Board of Education to integrate schools.
Legislators in Congress who opposed racial integration in public places wrote a document called the Southern Manifesto, which aimed to lawfully reverse the case of Brown v. Board of Education.
Due to strong demands from various political organizations such as NAACP, politicians were pressured into voting for legislation that supported segregation during the four years after Brown v. Board of Education.
Enraged citizens reacted by attempting to set Sumner Elementary School, the white school that denied enrollment to Linda Brown, on fire a few weeks after the Supreme Court's decision in Brown v. Board of Education.


I think the answer is B.

what were the achievements of communist efforts at industrialization? what problems did these achievements generate?


Communist efforts at industrialization achieved rapid industrial growth and modernization, but also caused problems such as shortages, inefficiencies, environmental damage, and political repression.

The achievements of communist efforts at industrialization included rapid industrial growth, urbanization, and improvements in infrastructure, education, and healthcare.

These efforts enabled the Soviet Union and other communist countries to become major industrial powers and transform their economies from primarily agrarian to industrialized.

However, these achievements came at a significant cost, like the exploitation of workers, environmental degradation, and the neglect of agriculture, which led to food shortages and famine.

Additionally, the emphasis on heavy industry and military production often came at the expense of consumer goods, leading to a poor standard of living for many citizens.

Therefore, communist efforts at industrialization were successful in rapidly transforming agrarian economies into industrialized ones, but these achievements came at the cost of significant social and environmental problems.

To know more about industrialization, refer here:


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After 1906 Russia for some time had to pursue a cautious foreign policy in order to gain time to carry out reforms at home, to refit its army, and to rebuild its shattered navy. It set about these goals with the help of huge French loans that were contingent on the strengthening of the Franco-Russian alliance in both the diplomatic and military sense.

In its infancy, the Nazi party in Germany
attacked democracy, and promised to save
Germany from
A. Russia
C. The United States
B. communism
D. The Jews


Answer: D


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where are the maps????

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Arab Merchants

Read this excerpt from President Nixon's resignation speech, and then answer the question that follows:

In the past few days, however, it has become evident to me that I no longer have a strong enough political base in the Congress to justify continuing that effort. As long as there was such a base, I felt strongly that it was necessary to see the constitutional process through to its conclusion, that to do otherwise would be unfaithful to the spirit of that deliberately difficult process and a dangerously destabilizing precedent for the future.

But with the disappearance of that base, I now believe that the constitutional purpose has been served, and there is no longer a need for the process to be prolonged.

I would have preferred to carry through to the finish, whatever the personal agony it would have involved, and my family unanimously urged me to do so. But the interests of the Nation must always come before any personal considerations.

Review the words and phrases in bold. What connotative message is Nixon trying to convey with these words? (4 points)

Love of country

Distrust of opponents

Frustration of failure

Fear of change




Frustration of failure


Type a paragraph about Democrats in the 1960s

Type a paragraph about Republicans in 1960s

Type a paragraph about Liberals and Conservatives in 1960s



Democrats in the 1960s were a party in transition, dealing with internal divisions over issues such as civil rights and the Vietnam War. While President John F. Kennedy's New Frontier and Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society programs aimed to address poverty and inequality, Democrats also faced challenges from civil rights activists and anti-war protesters within their own ranks. The party's efforts to address these issues ultimately led to significant reforms in areas such as civil rights, voting rights, and social welfare programs.

Republicans in the 1960s were a party in the midst of a conservative resurgence. Led by figures such as Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan, the GOP embraced a more conservative and anti-government platform that contrasted with the moderate, pro-civil rights stances of earlier Republican leaders such as Dwight Eisenhower. Republicans also faced their own internal divisions over issues such as civil rights and foreign policy, with some conservative elements within the party rejecting these issues altogether.

Liberals and conservatives in the 1960s were deeply divided over issues such as civil rights, the Vietnam War, and the role of government in society. Liberals generally supported efforts to address poverty and inequality through government programs, while conservatives advocated for a more limited role for government and a greater emphasis on individual rights and responsibilities. These debates played out within both major parties, as well as in wider society, and shaped the political landscape for decades to come.


The 1960s brought about significant social and political changes in the United States that left an enduring impact on its history. President John F. Kennedy led the Democratic Party to become a champion of progressive social and economic reforms, with a focus on expanding civil rights for African Americans, implementing healthcare initiatives, and innovative programs to combat poverty.

In contrast, the Republican Party during this time was more concerned with preserving established institutions and maintaining traditional conservative values. President Richard Nixon achieved foreign policy successes, but his domestic agenda was often overshadowed by cultural issues, including opposition to the counterculture movement and support for "law and order." Some Republican Party members openly rejected civil rights legislation, which created challenges regarding race relations.

The terms "liberal" and "conservative" underwent a redefinition as the country underwent transformation. Liberals were known for advocating progressive values such as civil rights, social welfare programs, and anti-war movements. Influential figures such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy championed these causes. Conservatives, on the other hand, promoted a traditional view of society and government, with individuals like Barry Goldwater advocating for limited government and individual rights. These differing ideologies played a significant role in shaping the political discourse and movements of the era, including the civil rights and anti-war movements and the rise of conservatism.

Please be sure to write this into your own words, as I have researched facts and stories, and have put them into my own words with explanatory paragraphs.

Why were civil rights supporters disappointed with the supreme court’s 1896 decision in plessy v. ferguson? the court rejected the idea of “separate but equal.†the court ruled that african americans were unable to drive. the court ruled that african americans were unable to vote. the court affirmed the idea of “separate but equal.â€


Civil rights supporters were disappointed with the Supreme Court's decision in the given case because it affirmed the idea of "separate but equal," which allowed for racial segregation and contradicted the 14th Amendment's guarantee of equal protection under the law.

Civil rights supporters were disappointed with the Supreme Court's 1896 decision in Plessy v. Ferguson because the Court affirmed the idea of "separate but equal," which allowed for differences in public facilities as long as the separate facilities were considered equal in quality. This decision essentially legalized segregation, which was used to justify discrimination against races for several decades.

Civil rights supporters argued that segregation was inherently unequal and that it perpetuated discrimination and prejudice against African Americans. The decision also contradicted the 14th Amendment's guarantee of equal protection under the law, which was meant to protect the rights of African Americans and other minorities.

Therefore, The Supreme Court's 1896 ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson, which upheld the concept of "separate but equal" and allowed for racial segregation, left civil rights supporters feeling disappointed.

Learn more about civil rights :


Joseph Stalin was the leader of which totalitarian government?


Answer: He held power as General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (1922–1952) and Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union (1941–1953).

Explanation: stream on the street

the Indian tribes had different ways of protecting themselves from the elements using the available resources, and different designs for the general climate.


True, because of the variations in climate and available resources across the regions where they lived the Indian tribes had to figure out different ways of protecting themselves from the elements.

What are the Indian tribes?

The term "Indian tribes" is often used to refer to the indigenous peoples of the Americas, who are believed to have inhabited the continents for thousands of years before the arrival of Europeans.

During the time period in which they lived, there were variations in climate and limited resources available across the regions, hence, they had to figure out different ways of protecting themselves from the elements (extreme weather).

You can learn more about the Indian Tribes here


4. Briefly describe the conditions for prisoners in Nazi concentration camps?



The conditions for prisoners in Nazi concentration camps were extremely harsh and inhumane. Prisoners were forced to live in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions, with little or no access to proper food, water, or medical care. They were subjected to forced labor and were often forced to work long hours under brutal conditions. They were also subjected to torture, experimentation, and other forms of abuse by the guards and camp officials. Many prisoners were subjected to mass executions, with millions of people dying in the concentration camps due to starvation, disease, and the brutality of the camp system. The Nazi concentration camps were designed to dehumanize and exterminate people who were deemed undesirable by the Nazi regime, including Jews, Romani people, hom*osexuals, political dissidents, and others who were seen as threats to the Nazi ideology.


Ashoka was a unique ruler.



here is your answer


Explanation:Ashoka is considered to be a unique ruler as he was the first ruler who tried to take forward his message to people through inscriptions were in he described his change in belief and thought after the kalinga war. The excessive accumulation of ashoka's Dhamma consists of good teaching of different religions

Explanation:Ashoka is considered to be a unique ruler as he was the first ruler who tried to take forward his message to people through inscriptions were in he described his change in belief and thought after the kalinga war. The excessive accumulation of ashoka's Dhamma consists of good teaching of different religions

hope it helps


Which countries were the major participants in the Korean War?


North Korea, the United States, China, and India

North Korea, the United States, China, and India

South Korea, the United States, China, and the Philippines

South Korea, the United States, China, and the Philippines

North Korea, South Korea, the United States, and France

North Korea, South Korea, the United States, and France

North Korea, South Korea, the United States, and China


North Korea, south Korea, united kingdom, united states, china

what is the name of the first manned rocket to travel into space



Yuri Gagarin


So it was that on April 12, 1961, Vostok 1 lifted Yuri Gagarin into space, the first human being to travel there. His orbit, which lasted for an hour and 48 minuets, had a few unsettling moments.

Germany’s reparation payments after world war i caused?


Germany's reparation payments after World War I caused an economic crisis and led to hyperinflation.

Germany's reparation payments after World War I: After World War I, the Treaty of Versailles imposed enormous reparations on Germany. The agreement stipulated that Germany must pay war compensation to the Allied powers to cover the damages caused by the war. The figure was set at $31.4 billion, equivalent to approximately $442 billion in current currency.

Cause the economic crisis in Germany: Germany's economy was heavily damaged as a result of the war, and the reparation payments were beyond what the nation could afford. To pay for the compensation, the German government was required to print money, which led to hyperinflation. The value of the German mark dropped so dramatically that workers had to be paid twice a day since their wages would be worth less by the end of the day due to inflation.

The economic crisis caused by the reparation payments, combined with other political and social factors, contributed to the rise of Adolf Hitler's Nazi Party and the eventual outbreak of World War II.

Learn more about "World war I" ;


Due in 5 min please help me out

The first amendment protects the freedom of speech. Do you think social media companies should allow complete free speech? Why or why not? What should happen if someone posts something offensive about race/religion/gender or sexuality on social media? Write a one paragraph (minimum) response using complete sentences to share opinions.



Well, the First Amendment guarantees the right to free speech, but social media companies have the right to regulate what is posted on their platforms. While complete free speech may seem ideal, it can lead to the spread of harmful or false information and hate speech, which can have real-world consequences. Social media companies have a responsibility to maintain a safe and respectful online environment for their users....

If someone posts something offensive about race, religion, gender or sexuality on social media, the company should have a clear policy in place for handling such content. This can include removing the post, suspending or banning the user, and potentially reporting them to law enforcement if the content violates hate speech laws. It's important to strike a balance between protecting free speech and protecting individuals from harm and discrimination..

Why does the farthest advance of the allied and central powers change more on the eastern front than the western front?


Central powers changed more there than on the Western Front because the Eastern Front was more than twice as long as the Western Front and ran from the Baltic Sea in the north to the Black Sea in the south,

What distinguished the Eastern Front War from the Western Front War?

Unlike to much of the action on the Western Front, which was characterised by trench warfare and stalemates, the fighting on the Eastern Front was more conventional, with rapid movements of armies in important offensives and counteroffensives.

The Eastern Front played a key role in shaping the course of World War II's operations in Europe, ultimately contributing significantly to the defeat of Nazi Germany and the Axis powers. The two main combatants were Germany and Japan.

To know more about Eastern and Western front visit:-


Please help.
1. Write a two-paragraph response to the question provided below. You will be analyzing the importance of two inventions from the Industrial Revolution.

Write a two-paragraph response to the following question and post it to the discussion board: In your opinion, what are two of the most important inventions of the Industrial Revolution?

You need to answer the following in your discussion post:

Describe each invention and why it was significant at the time.

What did the invention help improve?

How did it work?

How did the invention impact other industries?

Your response needs to:

have 4-5 complete sentences for each invention.

Identify your source if you use evidence from the class or another website. (a link or lesson name).

Do you agree that these two items were also important inventions during the Industrial Revolution? Why or why not?

Can you think of any other industries that were impacted by this invention?

Did this invention lead to any new and unexpected problems?



During the Industrial Revolution, many inventions were created that revolutionized the way people worked and lived. Two of the most important inventions of this period were the steam engine and the spinning jenny. The steam engine was invented by James Watt in 1765 and was used to power machines and transportation. It was significant because it greatly increased the efficiency and speed of manufacturing and transportation. With steam engines, factories were able to produce goods at a faster pace and transport them across the country on trains and boats. The steam engine also helped power machinery in the textile industry, which led to the creation of more jobs and an increase in production.

The spinning jenny, invented by James Hargreaves in 1764, was significant because it revolutionized the textile industry. The spinning jenny was a machine that spun thread, allowing for faster production of textiles. This invention helped improve the quality of textiles and increased production efficiency. The spinning jenny led to the growth of the textile industry and created jobs for many people. It also helped lead to the creation of other machines that further improved textile production, such as the power loom. The spinning jenny impacted many other industries as well, such as agriculture, by increasing the demand for cotton.

In my opinion, the steam engine and the spinning jenny were both important inventions during the Industrial Revolution. They were crucial in improving the efficiency and productivity of manufacturing and transportation. These inventions impacted many industries, creating jobs and leading to economic growth. However, these inventions also led to new problems, such as pollution and environmental damage from the use of coal to power steam engines. Despite these challenges, the steam engine and spinning jenny were instrumental in shaping the modern world and creating the foundations of the industry we see today.

what were some of the historical events that led to the rise of the progressive movement in the early 20th century?


The historical events that led to the rise of the progressive movement in the early 20th century were Industrialization and Urbanization, Social Gospel Movement, Political Corruption, Labor Movement, Women's Suffrage Movement, Environmental Movement.

The rise of industrialization and urbanization gave rise to a set of problems such as poverty, pollution, and social inequality. These issues led many people to call for reforms in social, political, and economic systems to create a more fair and just society.

Social Gospel Movement: This movement emphasized the role of Christianity in promoting social justice, and was influential in shaping the progressive movement.

Political Corruption: The prevalence of political corruption, particularly at the local level, led to demands for political reform and the introduction of direct democracy measures such as the initiative, referendum, and recall.

Labor Movement: The labor movement played a significant role in the progressive movement by fighting for workers' rights, better working conditions, and higher wages.

Women's Suffrage Movement: The women's suffrage movement sought to secure voting rights for women and played a crucial role in the progressive movement by advocating for greater political representation and equal rights.

Environmental Movement: The progressive movement also involved a growing concern for the environment and the need for conservation of natural resources.

To know more about Industrialization, refer here:


Which area was previously home to colonies established by Dutch, Swedish,
and Finnish settlers?
O A. Delaware
O B. Pennsylvania
O C. New York
O D. New Jersey



New Jersey


How Did Students And Other Young People Energize The Civil Rights Movement In The 1960s? (2024)


How Did Students And Other Young People Energize The Civil Rights Movement In The 1960s? ›

Generally, during the civil rights movement in the 1960s, the students and young people became a vital force through activism which include school integration, lunch counter sit-ins, freedom and ideas, and voting rights marches.

How did students and other young people energize the Civil Rights Movement in 1960? ›

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)

The SNCC was founded in 1960 and consisted of mostly Black college students. Together they practiced peaceful protests and participated in several major civil rights events. One of their earliest ideas was to organize Freedom Rides.

How did students help the Civil Rights Movement? ›

The Student Nonviolent Coordination Committee (SNCC) was started at Shaw University in 1960 by Ella Baker, a major force during the Civil Rights Movement in America. Students organized sit-ins, protests, and marches to challenge segregation and discrimination, catalyzing progress.

How did children participate in the Civil Rights Movement? ›

On May 2, 1963, more than one thousand students skipped classes and gathered at Sixth Street Baptist Church to march to downtown Birmingham, Alabama. As they approached police lines, hundreds were arrested and carried off to jail in paddy wagons and school buses.

What role did students play in the protest movements of the 1960s? ›

Student activist Marco Savio founded and led the Free Speech Movement, which spread across college campuses. Between 1960 and 1966, students initially protested civil rights, property, and campus issues before becoming active in the antiwar movement at the height of the Vietnam War.

How did freedom school students participate in the civil rights movement? ›

At several schools, students became directly involved in political organizing, most often by helping Freedom Summer volunteers try to convince Black citizens to register to vote. Novice student organizers sometimes reported their experiences in school newspapers.

What was the student campaign for civil rights in 1960? ›

sit-in movement, nonviolent movement of the U.S. civil rights era that began in Greensboro, North Carolina, in 1960. The sit-in, an act of civil disobedience, was a tactic that aroused sympathy for the demonstrators among moderates and uninvolved individuals.

How did education play a role in the civil rights movement? ›

Since the 1930s, lawyers from the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) had strategized to bring local lawsuits to court, arguing that separate was not equal and that every child, regardless of race, deserved a first-class education. These lawsuits were combined into the landmark Brown v.

What were student led civil rights movements? ›

From that meeting, the group formed the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). It was made up mostly of Black college students, who practiced peaceful, direct action protests. Ella Baker recommended that the group keep its autonomy and to not affiliate itself with the SCLC or other civil rights groups.

What inspired the youth movement of the 1960s? ›

The Vietnam War, and the protracted national divide between supporters and opponents of the war, were arguably the most important factors contributing to the rise of the larger counterculture movement.

Why were children protesting civil rights 60 years ago? ›

because of segregation. Many were sprayed with water hoses, attacked by police dogs, etc. the Children's Crusade. Their only “crime” was protesting racial discrimination.

What was the children's campaign for civil rights? ›

The Children's Crusade, or Children's March, was a march by over 1,000 school students in Birmingham, Alabama on May 2–10, 1963. Initiated and organized by Rev. James Bevel, the purpose of the march was to walk downtown to talk to the mayor about segregation in their city.

How were people involved in the Civil Rights Movement? ›

This movement took many forms, and its participants used a wide range of means to make their demands felt, including sit-ins, boycotts, protest marches, freedom rides, and lobbying government officials for legislative action.

What role did students play in the Civil Rights Movement? ›

As early as the 1870s, Black students mobilized to protest inequity. Throughout the 1950s and '60s, youth activism served as the backbone of the Civil Rights Movement. NAACP Youth Councils held picket lines to protest injustices from segregated department stores and lunch counters to mob violence and lynching.

How did the youth influence the Civil Rights Movement? ›

From May 2nd to May 7th, 1963, over 2,000 children marched across Birmingham, Alabama to nonviolently protest racial inequality in their city. Children's involvement in the 1960s civil rights protests in Birmingham was critical to a successful outcome in the movement.

What kind of protest can students engage in? ›

You do not lose your right to free speech just by walking into school. You have the right to speak out, hand out flyers and petitions, and wear expressive clothing in school — as long as you don't disrupt the functioning of the school or violate the school's content-neutral policies.

What factors led to the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s? ›

The primary causes of this uprising were discrimination, racism, and white supremacy. There was still oppression against Black people despite the end of slavery and passage of the Reconstruction Amendments.

What tactics and strategies did civil rights activists use in the 1960s? ›

The best examples are the sit-ins and freedom rides. In some cases, the sit-ins led to immediate changes in local policy and widespread direct action protests eventually led to the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (which banned segregation in public accommodations).

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