Course Descriptions - Kansas City University (2024)

Table of Contents
IMED 419 - Addiction Medicine IMED 419S - Addiction Medicine IMED 420 - Critical Care Medicine IMED 420S - Critical Care Medicine IMED 421 - Hospice & Palliative Care IMED 421S - Hospice & Palliative Care IMED 422 - Electrocardiogram Interpretation IMED 432 - Wound Care IMED 432S - Wound Care IMED 499 - Internal Medicine Research LEAD 100 - Leadership Principles LEAD 200 - Academic Leadership LEAD 201 - Health Care Leadership LEAD 300 - Community and Organizational Leadership LEAD 301 - Special Topics in Leadership LEAD 400 - Leadership Capstone LSM 100 - Life Style Medicine I LSM 200 - Life Style Medicine II MBIO 499 - Microbiology Research MED 100 - Evidence-Based Medicine and Population Health I MED 101 - Scientific Foundations of Medicine MED 112 - Musculoskeletal I MED 119 - Mechanisms of Disease MED 121 - Medical Informatics & Info Literacy MED 122 - Medical Informatics & Info Literacy MED 123 - Bioethics I MED 133 - Neuroendocrine MED 137 - Cardiopulmonary & Renal I MED 140 - Gastrointestinal & Genitourinary MED 143 - Essentials of Clinical & Osteo Skills I MED 144 - Essentials of Clinical & Osteo Skills II MED 190 - Evidence-Based Medicine and Population Health II MED 210 - Skin, Blood & Lymph MED 218 - Endocrine & Reproductive Medicine II MED 223 - Bioethics II MED 224 - Gastrointestinal II MED 237 - Cardiopulmonary & Renal II MED 242 - Neuromusculoskeletal & Psychiatry MED 243 - Essentials of Clinical & Osteopathic Skills III MED 244 - Essentials of Clinical & Osteopathic Skills IV MED 255 - Transition to Clerkship MED 336 - Bioethics III MED 420 - Clinical Ethics MIMD 101 - Military Medicine I MIMD 102 - Military Medicine II MIMD 201 - Military Medicine III MIMD 202 - Military Medicine IV MIMD 401 - Military Officer Training OBGY 301 - Obstetrics & Gynecology OBGY 401 - Maternal Fetal Medicine OBGY 401S - Maternal Fetal Medicine OBGY 402 - Medical Genetics OBGY 402S - Medical Genetics OBGY 403 - General Gynecology OBGY 403S - General Gynecology OBGY 404 - Gynecologic Oncology OBGY 404S - Gynecologic Oncology OBGY 405 - General Obstetrics OBGY 405S - General Obstetrics OBGY 406 - General Obstetrics & Gynecology OBGY 406S - General Obstetrics & Gynecology OBGY 407 - Reproductive Endocrinology OBGY 407S - Reproductive Endocrinology OBGY 412 - High-Risk Obstetrics OBGY 412S - High-Risk Obstetrics OBGY 417 - Obstetrics & Gynecologic Surgery OBGY 417S - Obstetrics & Gynecologic Surgery OBGY 499 - Obstetrics & Gynecology Research OCS 399 - OMM Fellowship OCS 401 - Osteopathic Manipulation OCS 401S - Osteopathic Manipulation OCS 499 - Osteopathic Clinical Skills Research OMMD 325 - Cranial Manipulative Medicine OMMD 401 - Accelerated OMM Integration Session OMMD 420 - Teaching Accelerated OMM Integ Sess. OPP 320 - Osteopathic Principles & Practice I OPP 321 - Osteopathic Principles & Practice II OPP 420 - Osteopathic Principles & Practice III PATH 401 - General Pathology PATH 401S - General Pathology PATH 402 - Clinical Pathology PATH 402S - Clinical Pathology PATH 403 - Anatomic Pathology PATH 403S - Anatomic Pathology PATH 404 - Blood Banking PATH 404S - Blood Banking PATH 405 - Forensic Pathology PATH 405S - Forensic Pathology PATH 406 - Hematopathology PATH 406S - Hematopathology PATH 407 - Toxicology PATH 407S - Toxicology PATH 499 - Pathology Research PEDS 301 - Pediatrics PEDS 401 - Neonatology PEDS 401S - Neonatology PEDS 402 - Pediatric Infectious Diseases PEDS 402S - Pediatric Infectious Diseases PEDS 403 - Pediatric Hematology/Oncology PEDS 403S - Pediatric Hematology/Oncology

2024-2025 University Catalog & Student Handbook

Kansas City University
Jul 05, 2024
2024-2025 University Catalog & Student Handbook

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Internal Medicine

  • IMED 419 - Addiction Medicine

    This elective clerkship provides an opportunity to develop an appreciation for caring for patients with chemical dependency. Students will better understand the effects of major pharmacologic drugs and be able to recognize clinical presentations for addiction or intoxication. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Clerkship Elective

  • IMED 419S - Addiction Medicine

    This sub-internship clerkship provides an opportunity to develop an appreciation for caring for patients with chemical dependency. Students will better understand the effects of major pharmacologic drugs and be able to recognize clinical presentations for addiction and/or intoxication at a higher level than the elective offering. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Course Sub-Internship

  • IMED 420 - Critical Care Medicine

    This elective clerkship provides the student with experience working with a multidisciplinary health care team to care for patients with acute, life-threatening illnesses, or injuries. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Clerkship Elective

  • IMED 420S - Critical Care Medicine

    This sub-internship clerkship provides students with experience working with a multidisciplinary health care team to care for patients with acute, life-threatening illnesses or injuries at a higher level than the elective offering. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Course Sub-Internship

  • IMED 421 - Hospice & Palliative Care

    This elective course will provide a basic grounding in the knowledge and skills necessary for dealing competently and compassionately with seriously ill and dying patients. It will provide an introduction to clinical knowledge and skills; focus on interpersonal skills and attitudes, including mindful listening, conveying bad news, cultivating empathy, and developing sensitivity to religious, ethnic, class or other differences; and will explore the ethical and professional principles of effective end-of-life care. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Clerkship Elective

  • IMED 421S - Hospice & Palliative Care

    This sub-internship will provide a basic grounding in the knowledge and skills necessary for dealing competently and compassionately with seriously ill and dying patients. It will provide an introduction to clinical knowledge and skills; focus on interpersonal skills and attitudes, including mindful listening, conveying bad news, cultivating empathy, and developing sensitivity to religious, ethnic, class, or other differences; and will explore the ethical and professional principles of effective end-of-life care. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Course Sub-Internship

  • IMED 422 - Electrocardiogram Interpretation

    This elective course provides students with a comprehensive study of electrocardiograms. The contents contain a variety of ECGs that reflect common clinical encounters. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Clerkship Elective

  • IMED 432 - Wound Care

    This elective clerkship provides students with experience in the identification, assessment and treatment of various skin care or wound management needs in an internal medicine setting. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Clerkship Elective

  • IMED 432S - Wound Care

    This sub-internship clerkship provides students experience in the identification, assessment, and treatment of various skin care or wound management needs in an internal medicine setting at a more advanced level than the elective offering. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Course Sub-Internship

  • IMED 499 - Internal Medicine Research

    Student research project approved by the KCU Office of Research & Sponsored Programs in an area of interest within internal medicine, under the direction of a preceptor approved by KCU Clinical Education. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Clerkship Elective


  • LEAD 100 - Leadership Principles

    This course introduces students to principles of leadership, including styles, emotional intelligence, team building, and feedback. Leadership as a physician is explored. This is the first course of six in the Honors Track in Leadership.

    Credit(s): 1

    Type of Course: Elective Course

  • LEAD 200 - Academic Leadership

    This course explores various facets of academic leadership, including curriculum development, educational research, and coaching. This is the second course of six in the Leadership Honors Track.

    Credit(s): 1

    Type of Course: Elective Course

  • LEAD 201 - Health Care Leadership

    This course explores leadership in health care systems and communities. It includes topics on health care policy, advocacy, and public speaking. This is the third course of six in the Leadership Honors Track.

    Credit(s): 1

    Type of Course: Elective Course

  • LEAD 300 - Community and Organizational Leadership

    This course explores leadership in communities and professional organizations. This is the fourth course of six in the Leadership Honors Track.

    Credit(s): 1

    Type of Course: Elective Course

  • LEAD 301 - Special Topics in Leadership

    This course takes a deeper dive into leadership topics through small group book clubs. Topics include value-based and motivational leadership, and team dynamics. This is the fifth course of six in the Leadership Honors Track.

    Credit(s): 1

    Type of Course: Elective Course

  • LEAD 400 - Leadership Capstone

    This course is designed for students to finalize their longitudinal project, receive feedback, and present. This is the last course of six in the Leadership Honors Track.

    Credit(s): 1

    Type of Course: Elective Course

Life Style Medicine

  • LSM 100 - Life Style Medicine I

    Lifestyle Medicine provides evidence based proactive interventions to toxic aspects of our patients’ lives. It is these unhealthy behaviors that drive the risk of chronic diseases such as: hypertension, dyslipidemia, vascular disease, diabetes, metabolic syndromeand associated liver disease, cancer, and many more. The purpose of this course is to help clinicians identify components of a healthy lifestyle and be more able to help patients adopt healthy lifestyle choices. By addressing these drivers of disease clinicians have the opportunity to help their patients avoid developing debilitating chronic disease or mitigate the severity of those diseases.

    Credit(s): 1

    Type of Course: Elective Course

  • LSM 200 - Life Style Medicine II

    Lifestyle Medicine provides evidence based proactive interventions to toxic aspects of our patients’ lives. It is these unhealthy behaviors that drive the risk of chronic diseases such as: hypertension, dyslipidemia, vascular disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and associated liver disease, cancer, and many more. The purpose of this course is to help clinicians identify components of a healthy lifestyle and be more able to help patients adopt healthy lifestyle choices. By addressing these drivers of disease clinicians have the opportunity to help their patients avoid developing debilitating chronic disease or mitigate the severity of those diseases.

    Credit(s): 1

    Type of Course: Elective Course


  • MBIO 499 - Microbiology Research

    Student research project approved by the KCU Office of Research & Sponsored Programs in an area of interest within microbiology, under the direction of a preceptor approved by KCU Clinical Education. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Clerkship Elective


  • MED 100 - Evidence-Based Medicine and Population Health I

    This course will introduce students to evidence-based medicine, health informatics, research methods, critical appraisal of the medical literature, health-systems sciences, epidemiology, biostatistics, and population health components including, but not limited to, social and structural determinants of health. Together these components represent many of the core competencies and skills necessary for physicians in the evolution of medical practice. Broadly, this course will train medical students to locate, review and evaluate the medical literature, apply scientific evidence to medical practice, and gain enhanced understanding of ways to improve the health of the communities they will serve.

    Credit(s): 4

    Type of Course: Course

  • MED 101 - Scientific Foundations of Medicine

    This is a multidisciplinary foundational course designed to build a knowledge base for subsequent coursework. The course focuses on fundamental knowledge in the areas of biochemistry, human metabolism, molecular biology, cell biology, genetics, nutrition, and immunology. The course objective is to present the mechanisms underlying the normal function of the human body thus providing a foundation for understanding disease processes.

    Credit(s): 3.5

    Type of Course: Course

  • MED 112 - Musculoskeletal I

    This interdisciplinary course introduces fundamental concepts which enable the student to understand the normal structure and function of the musculoskeletal system. This course also focuses on the basic science which underlies disorders associated with skeletal muscle, the neuromuscular junction, bone, and joints.

    Credit(s): 4.5

    Type of Course: Course

  • MED 119 - Mechanisms of Disease

    This course facilitates the acquisition of introductory knowledge and understanding/application of the basic tenets of human pathophysiology and to explore infectious causes of pathology and disease. This course is foundational to the understanding and development of a differential diagnosis and the rationale for many of the diagnostic studies and therapeutic modalities employed in clinical medicine.

    Credit(s): 4

    Type of Course: Course

  • MED 121 - Medical Informatics & Info Literacy

    This course introduces medical informatics, information literacy and evidence-based practice. This course is designed to develop skills in defining primary medical literature, searching both basic science and clinical resources, identifying evidence-based information, forming a clinical question, critically appraising the literature, and evaluating and applying levels of evidence in clinical decision-making.

    Credit(s): 0.5

    Type of Course: Course

  • MED 122 - Medical Informatics & Info Literacy

    This course introduces medical informatics, information literacy, and evidence-based practice. This course is designed to develop skills in defining primary medical literature, searching both basic science and clinical resources, identifying evidence-based information, forming a clinical question, critically appraising the literature, and evaluating and applying levels of evidence in clinical decision-making.

    Credit(s): 0.5

    Type of Course: Course

  • MED 123 - Bioethics I

    This course is designed to enable students to apply ethical principles to medical practice, healthcare policy, and biomedical research. Students learn to recognize ethical issues, engage in moral reasoning, and make decisions which respect the rights of patients while fulfilling the obligations of physicians. Course objectives are accomplished through designated student assignments, lectures, and written assignments.

    Credit(s): 1

    Type of Course: Course

  • MED 133 - Neuroendocrine

    This interdisciplinary course introduces fundamental concepts which enable the student to understand the normal structure and function of the nervous and endocrine systems. This course also focuses on the basic science which underlies disorders associated with the neuroendocrine system, brain, and spinal cord.

    Credit(s): 5

    Type of Course: Course

  • MED 137 - Cardiopulmonary & Renal I

    This interdisciplinary course introduces fundamental concepts which enable the student to understand the normal structure and function of the cardiovascular, pulmonary, and renal systems. This course also focuses on the basic science which underlies disorders associated with the heart, vasculature, lungs and pulmonary system, and kidneys.

    Credit(s): 5

    Type of Course: Course

  • MED 140 - Gastrointestinal & Genitourinary

    This interdisciplinary course introduces fundamental concepts which enable the student to understand the normal structure and function of the gastrointestinal and genitourinary systems. This course also focuses on the basic science which underlies disorders associated with the digestive organs, liver, and reproductive organs and system.

    Credit(s): 4.5

    Type of Course: Course

  • MED 143 - Essentials of Clinical & Osteo Skills I

    This course is the first in developing and establishing foundations in clinical medicine based on osteopathic principles and practices. The course seeks to provide active learning environments through didactic, simulation-based, and procedure-based methodologies in medical education. Processes in clinical assessment skills utilizing critical thinking and problem-solving will serve to advance the osteopathic medical student toward clinical practice. Attention to progressive competencies in multiple areas of osteopathic clinical skills including, but not limited to, diagnosis, treatment, management, communication, and professionalism, will be employed. The course activities collectively serve to focus the osteopathic medical student on life-long learning in the practice of osteopathic medicine.

    Credit(s): 4

    Type of Course: Course

  • MED 144 - Essentials of Clinical & Osteo Skills II

    This course is the second in developing and establishing foundations in clinical medicine based on osteopathic principles and practices. The course seeks to provide active learning environments through didactic, simulation-based, and procedure-based methodologies in medical education. Processes in clinical assessment skills utilizing critical thinking and problem-solving will serve to advance the osteopathic medical student toward clinical practice. Attention to progressive competencies in multiple areas of osteopathic clinical skills including, but not limited to, diagnosis, treatment, management, communication, and professionalism, will be employed. The course activities collectively serve to focus the osteopathic medical student on life-long learning in the practice of osteopathic medicine.

    Credit(s): 3

    Type of Course: Course

  • MED 190 - Evidence-Based Medicine and Population Health II

    This course will introduce students to evidence-based medicine, health informatics, research methods, critical appraisal of the medical literature, health-systems sciences, epidemiology, biostatistics, and population health components including, but not limited to, social and structural determinants of health. Together these components represent many of the core competencies and skills necessary for physicians in the evolution of medical practice. Broadly, this course will train medical students to locate, review and evaluate the medical literature, apply scientific evidence to medical practice and gain enhanced understanding of ways to improve the health of the communities they will serve.

    Credit(s): 4

    Type of Course: Course

  • MED 210 - Skin, Blood & Lymph

    This course teaches the diseases of the skin including wounds, infections, and tumors. Blood cell lines, bleeding, coagulation disorders, and concepts related to solid organs such as the spleen and thymus will be discussed. Pertinent agents related to the treatment of these diseases will be presented and common diagnostic tests and their interpretation will be integrated throughout the course. This material will be integrated with clinical applications.

    Credit(s): 3

    Type of Course: Course

  • MED 218 - Endocrine & Reproductive Medicine II

    This course provides an introduction to general obstetrics, gynecology, and endocrinology. Students will learn the diagnosis, treatment, and management of common and uncommon obstetrical, gynecologic, and endocrine conditions.

    Credit(s): 4

    Type of Course: Course

  • MED 223 - Bioethics II

    This course is designed to enable students to apply ethical principles to medical practice, healthcare policy, and biomedical research. Students learn to recognize ethical issues, engage in moral reasoning, and make decisions which respect the rights of patients while fulfilling the obligations of physicians. Course objectives are accomplished through designated student assignments, lectures, and written assignments.

    Credit(s): 1.5

    Type of Course: Course

  • MED 224 - Gastrointestinal II

    This course discusses the diseases, differential diagnosis, prevention, treatment, and management of the gastrointestinal system including the alimentary tract, liver, pancreas, and gallbladder.

    Credit(s): 3.5

    Type of Course: Course

  • MED 237 - Cardiopulmonary & Renal II

    This course focuses on diseases, treatment, and management of cardiovascular, pulmonary, renal, and lower urinary tract. This course teaches the recognition of presenting signs and symptoms of various cardiovascular, pulmonary, and renal diseases. An emphasis will be made on understanding how these three organ systems are integrated and how abnormalities within one of these organ systems can affect the others. An emphasis also will be made on understanding how a presenting symptom could be related to an underlying cardiovascular, pulmonary, or renal disease.

    Credit(s): 8.5

    Type of Course: Course

  • MED 242 - Neuromusculoskeletal & Psychiatry

    This course teaches the signs and symptoms, diagnosis, pathophysiology of neuromusculoskeletal and psychiatric topics. Included in the course are approaches to central and peripheral nervous system disorders, musculoskeletal diseases, psychiatric, and behavioral disorders. The course will also teach the common agents that treat and manage these disorders, diseases, infections, or neoplasms.

    Credit(s): 7

    Type of Course: Course

  • MED 243 - Essentials of Clinical & Osteopathic Skills III

    This course is the third in developing and establishing foundations in clinical medicine based on osteopathic principles and practices. The course seeks to provide active learning environments through didactic, simulation-based, and procedure-based methodologies in medical education. Processes in clinical assessment skills utilizing critical thinking and problem-solving will serve to advance the osteopathic medical student toward clinical practice. Attention to progressive competencies in multiple areas of osteopathic clinical skills including, but not limited to, diagnosis, treatment, management, communication, and professionalism, will be employed. The course activities collectively serve to focus the osteopathic medical student on life-long learning in the practice of osteopathic medicine.

    Credit(s): 4

    Type of Course: Course

  • MED 244 - Essentials of Clinical & Osteopathic Skills IV

    This course is the fourth in developing and establishing foundations in clinical medicine based on osteopathic principles and practices. The course seeks to provide active learning environments through didactic, simulation-based, and procedure-based methodologies in medical education. Processes in clinical assessment skills utilizing critical thinking and problem-solving will serve to advance the osteopathic medical student toward clinical practice. Attention to progressive competencies in multiple areas of osteopathic clinical skills including, but not limited to, diagnosis, treatment, management, communication, and professionalism, will be employed. The course activities collectively serve to focus the osteopathic medical student on life-long learning in the practice of osteopathic medicine.

    Credit(s): 3

    Type of Course: Course

  • MED 255 - Transition to Clerkship

    This coursetransitions knowledgeand skills from the classroom to clerkship, utilizing a variety of active learning activities and emphasizing the practical application of knowledge, clinical, and osteopathic skills. The course reviews and reinforces skills needed in the clerkship experience in order to become an active, successful member of the health care team.

    Credit(s): 2.5

    Type of Course: Course

  • MED 336 - Bioethics III

    This course applies the bioethics frameworks to issues that students encounter while on rotations and see things firsthand. Students apply bioethical education to cases of their own, reflect on their personal experiences, and practice how to address issues from the stance of a provider.

    Credit(s): 0.5

    Type of Course: Course

    Prerequisite(s): MED 123 - Bioethics I

    MED 223 - Bioethics II

  • MED 420 - Clinical Ethics

    The student is mentored in a bioethics project to be determined during the first week of the clerkship. The student’s clinical exposure, observation, and training in clinical ethics consultation with the preceptor is at an approved clinical site.Typical themes addressed during the clerkship are: clinical ethics consultation; hospital ethics policies; practices of bioethics in a nonprofit ethics organization; particularized learning to be done in consultation with the preceptor (e.g., end of life, disparities, medical futility, etc.). Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Clerkship Elective

Military Medicine

  • MIMD 101 - Military Medicine I

    This elective is for Health Professions Scholarship Program student recipients and National Guard members who will serve as military physicians in the U.S. armed forces following medical school graduation. This provides learning opportunities uniquely aligned to address Medical Corps officer duties and obligations.

    Credit(s): 1

    Type of Course: Course Elective

  • MIMD 102 - Military Medicine II

    This elective is for Health Professions Scholarship Program student recipients and National Guard members who will serve as military physicians in the U.S. armed forces following medical school graduation. This provides learning opportunities uniquely aligned to address Medical Corps officer duties and obligations.

    Credit(s): 1

    Type of Course: Course Elective

  • MIMD 201 - Military Medicine III

    This elective is for Health Professions Scholarship Program student recipients and National Guard members who will serve as military physicians in the U.S. armed forces following medical school graduation. This provides learning opportunities uniquely aligned to address Medical Corps officer duties and obligations.

    Credit(s): 1

    Type of Course: Course Elective

  • MIMD 202 - Military Medicine IV

    This elective is for Health Professions Scholarship Program student recipients and National Guard members who will serve as military physicians in the U.S. armed forces following medical school graduation. This provides learning opportunities uniquely aligned to address Medical Corps officer duties and obligations.

    Credit(s): 1

    Type of Course: Course Elective

  • MIMD 401 - Military Officer Training

    This elective clerkship provides learning opportunities for military students uniquely aligned to address Medical Corps officer duties, obligations, and training. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Clerkship Elective

Obstetrics & Gynecology

  • OBGY 301 - Obstetrics & Gynecology

    This required clerkship provides students with clinical exposure, observation, and training to further their understanding of obstetrics and gynecology. Students focus on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of common OB/GYN conditions to prepare for more advanced study of the discipline. During the clerkship, students will continue to improve their abilities to obtain, record, analyze, and communicate clinical information.

    Credit(s): 4

    Type of Course: Clerkship

  • OBGY 401 - Maternal Fetal Medicine

    This elective provides opportunities to observe and assist in the management of patients with complex problems related to maternal fetal medicine. These may include pre-term labor with or without premature pre-term rupture of membranes, multiple gestations, diabetes in pregnancy (pre-existing and gestations), hypertension in pregnancy (including chronic hypertension, gestational hypertension, mild or severe pre-eclampsia), advanced maternal age, and genetic conditions. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Clerkship Elective

  • OBGY 401S - Maternal Fetal Medicine

    This clerkship is offered as a sub-internship in maternal fetal medicine. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Course Sub-Internship

  • OBGY 402 - Medical Genetics

    This elective provides an introduction to the field of clinical genetics. Students have the opportunity to learn about a range of genetic disorders, genetic diagnostics, and genetic counseling by participating in the evaluation of fetal development during pregnancy. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Clerkship Elective

  • OBGY 402S - Medical Genetics

    This sub-internship provides an introduction to the field of clinical genetics. Students have the opportunity to learn about a range of genetic disorders, genetic diagnostics and genetic counseling by participating in the evaluation of fetal development during pregnancy. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Course Sub-Internship

  • OBGY 403 - General Gynecology

    This course provides clinical exposure, observation and training to further the understanding of general gynecology. Students focus on the diagnosis, treatment and management of common and uncommon gynecological conditions with a greater depth than the core rotation. During the clerkship, students will continue to improve their abilities to obtain record, analyze, and communicate clinical information. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Clerkship Elective

  • OBGY 403S - General Gynecology

    This clerkship is offered as a sub-internship in general gynecology. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Course Sub-Internship

  • OBGY 404 - Gynecologic Oncology

    This elective provides opportunities to observe and assist in the management of patients with cancer and precancerous conditions of the female gynecologic organs. The student will learn epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment, and long term prognosis for the major gynecologic cancers: cervical, uterine, and ovarian. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Clerkship Elective

  • OBGY 404S - Gynecologic Oncology

    This sub-internship provides opportunities to observe and assist in the management of patients with cancer and precancerous conditions of the female gynecologic organs. The student will learn epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment, and long term prognosis for the major gynecologic cancers: cervical, uterine, and ovarian. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Course Sub-Internship

  • OBGY 405 - General Obstetrics

    This course provides clinical exposure, observation, and training to further the understanding of general obstetrics. Students focus on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of common and uncommon obstetrical conditions with a greater depth than the core rotation. During the clerkship, students will improve their abilities to obtain, record, analyze, and communicate clinical information. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Clerkship Elective

  • OBGY 405S - General Obstetrics

    This sub-internship provides clinical exposure, observation, and training to further the understanding of general obstetrics. Students focus on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of common and uncommon obstetrical conditions with a greater depth than the core rotation. During the clerkship, students will continue to improve their abilities to obtain, record, analyze, and communicate clinical information. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Course Sub-Internship

  • OBGY 406 - General Obstetrics & Gynecology

    This course provides clinical exposure, observation, and training to further the understanding of general obstetrics and gynecology. Students focus on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of common and uncommon obstetrical and gynecologic conditions. During the clerkship, students will improve their abilities to obtain, record, analyze, and communicate clinical information. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Clerkship Elective

  • OBGY 406S - General Obstetrics & Gynecology

    This sub-internship provides clinical exposure, observation, and training to further the understanding of general obstetrics and gynecology. Students focus on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of common and uncommon obstetrical and gynecologic conditions with a greater depth than the core rotation. Students will continue to improve their abilities to obtain, record, analyze, and communicate clinical information. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Course Sub-Internship

  • OBGY 407 - Reproductive Endocrinology

    This elective provides opportunities to observe and assist in the management of patients with complex problems related to reproductive endocrinology and infertility. These may include hormonal imbalances, menstrual disturbances, sexual development and function problems, infertility, pregnancy loss, and menopause. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Clerkship Elective

  • OBGY 407S - Reproductive Endocrinology

    This sub-internship provides opportunities to observe and assist in the management of patients with complex problems related to reproductive endocrinology and infertility. These may include hormonal imbalances, menstrual disturbances, sexual development and function problems, infertility, pregnancy loss, and menopause. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Course Sub-Internship

  • OBGY 412 - High-Risk Obstetrics

    This elective clerkship provides opportunities to observe and assist in the management of patients with complex obstetrical problems. Students focus on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of high-risk obstetric conditions. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Clerkship Elective

  • OBGY 412S - High-Risk Obstetrics

    This elective clerkship provides opportunities to observe and assist in the management of patients with complex obstetrical problems. Students focus on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of high-risk obstetric conditions at a more advanced level than the elective offering. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Course Sub-Internship

  • OBGY 417 - Obstetrics & Gynecologic Surgery

    This elective clerkship is designed to provide students with the opportunity to participate in clinical observation and training in obstetrics and gynecologic surgery. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Clerkship Elective

  • OBGY 417S - Obstetrics & Gynecologic Surgery

    This sub-internship clerkship is designed to provide students with the opportunity to participate in clinical observation and training in obstetrics and gynecologic surgery at a more advanced level than the elective offering. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Course Sub-Internship

  • OBGY 499 - Obstetrics & Gynecology Research

    Student research project approved by the KCU Office of Research & Sponsored Programs in an area of interest within obstetrics and gynecology, under the direction of a preceptor approved by KCU Clinical Education. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Clerkship Elective

Osteopathic Clinical Skills

  • OCS 399 - OMM Fellowship

    The OMM Fellowship provides selected students with advanced professional education in osteopathic manipulative medicine, and provides a framework under which they develop teaching and research skills. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 4-20

    Type of Course: Course

    Prerequisite(s): Selection through application process.

  • OCS 401 - Osteopathic Manipulation

    This elective clerkship provides clinical exposure, observation, and training to further the understanding of osteopathic manipulation. These experiences take place in a wide variety of clinical, office, and hospital settings presenting unique opportunities with regard to the spectrum of clinical situations encountered. Learning is enhanced with specific goals and objectives. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Clerkship Elective

  • OCS 401S - Osteopathic Manipulation

    This elective sub-internship is restricted to fourth-year students and is designed to provide the student with an increased level of patient care responsibility. Students serve as primary care providers under the direct supervision of the attending physician or faculty and may perform simple diagnostic procedures. Training focuses on self-education and includes more advanced study of osteopathic manipulation. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Course Sub-Internship

  • OCS 499 - Osteopathic Clinical Skills Research

    Student research project approved by the KCU Office of Research & Sponsored Programs in an area of interest within osteopathic clinical skills, under the direction of a preceptor approved by KCU Clinical Education. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Clerkship Elective

Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine

  • OMMD 325 - Cranial Manipulative Medicine

    This course builds upon the basic concepts taught in OMS-I, II, and III, and provides more advanced information related to applying osteopathic principles and practices into patient care. Emphasis is upon the understanding and the application of the concepts taught in a 40-hour basic osteopathic cranial manipulative medicine course. Attendance and satisfactory completion of course objectives will qualify attendees for student membership in the Cranial Academy. The course will deliver content through lectures and laboratory experiences.

    Credit(s): 2

    Type of Course: Course

    Prerequisite(s): ,,

  • OMMD 401 - Accelerated OMM Integration Session

    Graduating COM students will review OMM diagnosis and treatment with emphasis on common areas of somatic dysfunction as well as alternate treatment techniques in a closely supervised environment. Students will also learn and practice appropriate OMM documentation and billing practices. To supplement lab material, students will assess and treat patients in a clinical setting.

    Credit(s): 2

    Type of Course: Clerkship Elective

  • OMMD 420 - Teaching Accelerated OMM Integ Sess.

    Fellows emeritus will gain experience in developing course curriculum by facilitating a practical OMM review for graduating COM students. Fellows emeritus will also gain additional experience teaching senior students to improve their assessment skills and perform effective treatments. Repeatable for credit with permission, up to 5 credits.

    Credit(s): 2.5

    Type of Course: Clerkship Elective

Osteopathic Principles & Practice

  • OPP 320 - Osteopathic Principles & Practice I

    This is a four-semester, online course that runs during the third and fourth years. OPP as defined by the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine’s Educational Council on Osteopathic Principles is a concept of health care supported by expanding scientific knowledge that embraces the concept of the unity of the living organism’s structure (anatomy) and function (physiology). Osteopathic philosophy emphasizes the following principles: the human being is a dynamic unit of function; the body possesses self-regulatory mechanisms that are self-healing in nature; structure and function are interrelated at all levels; and rational treatment is based on these principles.

    Credit(s): 1

    Type of Course: Clerkship

  • OPP 321 - Osteopathic Principles & Practice II

    This is a four-semester, online course that runs during the third and fourth years. OPP as defined by the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine’s Educational Council on Osteopathic Principles is a concept of health care supported by expanding scientific knowledge that embraces the concept of the unity of the living organism’s structure (anatomy) and function (physiology). Osteopathic philosophy emphasizes the following principles: the human being is a dynamic unit of function; the body possesses self-regulatory mechanisms that are self-healing in nature; structure and function are interrelated at all levels; and rational treatment is based on these principles.

    Credit(s): 1

    Type of Course: Clerkship


  • OPP 420 - Osteopathic Principles & Practice III

    This is a four-semester, online course that runs during the third and fourth years. OPP as defined by the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine’s Educational Council on Osteopathic Principles is a concept of health care supported by expanding scientific knowledge that embraces the concept of the unity of the living organism’s structure (anatomy) and function (physiology). Osteopathic philosophy emphasizes the following principles: the human being is a dynamic unit of function; the body possesses self-regulatory mechanisms that are self-healing in nature; structure and function are interrelated at all levels; and rational treatment is based on these principles.

    Credit(s): 0.5

    Type of Course: Clerkship

    Prerequisite(s): ,


  • PATH 401 - General Pathology

    This elective acquaints students with the overall practice of hospital pathology. The wide range of choices must include the processing and interpretation of surgical pathology and hematology specimens. It may also include time on the necropsy, cytopathology, clinical chemistry, transfusion, and molecular pathology services. The experience will be valuable to students planning careers in any specialty, as they understand the mysteries hidden from many physicians “behind the paraffin curtain.” Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Clerkship Elective

  • PATH 401S - General Pathology

    This sub-internship acquaints students with the overall practice of hospital pathology. The wide range of choices must include the processing and interpretation of surgical pathology and hematology specimens. It may also include time on the necropsy, cytopathology, clinical chemistry, transfusion, and molecular pathology services. The experience will be valuable to students planning careers in any specialty, as they understand the mysteries hidden from many physicians “behind the paraffin curtain.” Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Course Sub-Internship

  • PATH 402 - Clinical Pathology

    This elective acquaints students with clinical pathology laboratories, as well as provides an opportunity to concentrate in an area based upon the student’s interest. The clerkship provides an opportunity to obtain an overview of clinical laboratory assays important for diagnosis and treatment of disease. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Clerkship Elective

  • PATH 402S - Clinical Pathology

    This sub-internship acquaints students with clinical pathology laboratories, as well as provides an opportunity to concentrate in an area based upon the student’s interest. The clerkship provides an opportunity to obtain an overview of clinical laboratory assays important for diagnosis and treatment of disease. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Course Sub-Internship

  • PATH 403 - Anatomic Pathology

    This elective introduces students to the field of anatomic pathology as it is practiced in the hospital setting. Students will help process tissues and practice making diagnoses. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Clerkship Elective

  • PATH 403S - Anatomic Pathology

    This sub-internship introduces students to the field of anatomic pathology as it is practiced in the hospital setting. Students will help process tissues and practice making diagnoses. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Course Sub-Internship

  • PATH 404 - Blood Banking

    Students will become familiar with the operation of a blood bank and the interaction of the pathologist with the patient’s health care team. Students will participate in the collection, processing, analysis, storage, selection and administration of blood components, and the workup of suspected transfusion reactions as performed by the laboratory team. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Clerkship Elective

  • PATH 404S - Blood Banking

    Students will become familiar with the operation of a blood bank and the interaction of the pathologist with the patient’s health care team. Students will participate in the collection, processing, analysis, storage, selection and administration of blood components, and the workup of suspected transfusion reactions as performed by the laboratory team. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Course Sub-Internship

  • PATH 405 - Forensic Pathology

    This elective provides extended training in forensic pathology in the setting of a medical examiner’s office. During the clerkship, students will become active participants on the forensics team as the circ*mstances surrounding questionable deaths are reconstructed. Limited to two students per site. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Clerkship Elective

  • PATH 405S - Forensic Pathology

    This sub-internship provides extended training in forensic pathology in the setting of a medical examiner’s office. During the clerkship, students will become active participants on the forensics team as the circ*mstances surrounding questionable deaths are reconstructed. Limited to two students per site. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Course Sub-Internship

  • PATH 406 - Hematopathology

    This elective provides an opportunity for students to learn the basic approach to hematology-oncology patients primarily from the perspective of the clinical laboratory. Students will gain experience in the evaluation of hematology patients of all sorts, including those presenting with anemia, coagulation disorders, leukemia, and/or lymphoma. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Clerkship Elective

  • PATH 406S - Hematopathology

    This sub-internship provides an opportunity for students to learn the basic approach to hematology-oncology patients primarily from the perspective of the clinical laboratory. Students will gain experience in the evaluation of hematology patients of all sorts, including those presenting with anemia, coagulation disorders, leukemia, and/or lymphoma. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Course Sub-Internship

  • PATH 407 - Toxicology

    This elective examines basic concepts of toxicology as they apply to environmental health. During the clerkship, students will become active participants on a pathology service with a focus on a variety of medical toxicology problems. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Clerkship Elective

  • PATH 407S - Toxicology

    This sub-internship examines basic concepts of toxicology as they apply to environmental health. During the clerkship, students will become active participants on a pathology service with a focus on a variety of medical toxicology problems. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Course Sub-Internship

  • PATH 499 - Pathology Research

    Student research project approved by the KCU Office of Research and Sponsored Programs in an area of interest within pathology, under the direction of a preceptor approved by KCU Clinical Education. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Clerkship Elective


  • PEDS 301 - Pediatrics

    This required clerkship provides students with clinical exposure, observation, and training to further their understanding of pediatrics. Students focus on inpatient and outpatient medical management of infants and children to prepare for more advanced study of the discipline.

    Credit(s): 4

    Type of Course: Clerkship

  • PEDS 401 - Neonatology

    This elective clerkship provides students experience in admitting and managing patients in pediatric and neonatal intensive care units. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Clerkship Elective

  • PEDS 401S - Neonatology

    This sub-internship provides students experience admitting and managing patients in pediatric and neonatal intensive care units. Repeatable for credit with permission. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Course Sub-Internship

  • PEDS 402 - Pediatric Infectious Diseases

    This elective rotation is designed to provide students with the opportunity to participate in clinical observation and training in pediatric infectious diseases. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Clerkship Elective

  • PEDS 402S - Pediatric Infectious Diseases

    This clerkship is offered as a sub-internship in pediatric infectious disease. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Course Sub-Internship

  • PEDS 403 - Pediatric Hematology/Oncology

    This elective clerkship provides an introduction to common hematologic problems and the management of more difficult and unusual hematological and oncologic problems of pediatric patients. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Clerkship Elective

  • PEDS 403S - Pediatric Hematology/Oncology

    This sub-internship clerkship provides an introduction to common hematologic problems and the management of more difficult and unusual hematological and oncologic problems of pediatric patients. Repeatable for credit with permission

    Credit(s): 1-8

    Type of Course: Course Sub-Internship

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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

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Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.